Like a Stephen King novel illustrated
by Thomas Kinkade (
Well, it's been a while since we last checked in on Caligula's favorite horse. Let's just
see what he's up to these days ...
Over the weekend, posted what appears to be a picture of Glenn in the Oval Office, along with the question: "Did Glenn go to The Oval Office over the weekend? Answers coming Monday at 5pm ET only on GBTV!" Playbook can reveal that Beck plans to announce he has built an Oval Office set for GBTV for a series of weekly speeches he will give: "the things we wish the President would say to the American people – or the things he should say." Per his team: “The speeches will be three to four minutes in length, will be delivered from an exact replica of The Oval. and will be primarily Reagan-esque in tone.” First address is Wednesday.
Holy beer-battered fish sticks of Libertee,
he's building himself an Oval Office? To give online speeches in? Like
[Ed. note: The author has collapsed on the floor in a laughing fit. He is currently struggling for air. Ambulances have been called. We are now showing him pictures of sad puppies and estimated 2020 college tuition costs in an attempt to revive—wait, wait, he's regaining consciousness. Give him a drink of water ... let him have some air, people! Are you all right? How many fingers am I holding up? Okay, looks like you're good, but we'll just be watching from over here if you need us ... ]
Cough. All right, I'm back. Yes. Yes, that's the way to prove to America that you are not at all as crazy as your critics say; build yourself an "exact replica" of the Oval Office, and broadcast speeches from it pretending you're president of the United States. Maybe Beck can invite Sarah Palin over to be his pretend vice president, and maybe Rick Santorum can stop by to play the Cabinet Secretary of Awesomeness, and they can have a great online Presidential Dance Party!
Sigh. I miss Glenn Beck. Now there was some high-grade crazy, right there.