The anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic has led the anti-gay conservatives at Truth in Action Ministries to produce a film comparing homosexuality to, yes, the iceberg that sunk the Titanic. You see, because ... um ... hmm. No clue here. But Right Wing Watch has excerpts from the film:
Holy crap. I think watching that just gave me an aneurysm. Or cured me of one. Or made me sexually attracted to icebergs. What the hell, righties?
I could almost forgive the execrable attempt to link their little fight against the "homosexual agenda" to some little bit of something that the young kids might be hip to these days. (There was that movie, okay? And I guess it's being re-released with an extra dimension now, which is probably also an abomination unto the Lord.) It's not easy to wedge your obsessive bigotry into other people's daily lives, not without a catchy hook, so the professional bigot has to go the extra mile if he wants to earn his bigot paycheck.
But when you suppose that "there are just a couple steps before the military could be used in a persecution of those that are viewed as enemies of the new state belief system," I am sorry, but you are quite possibly an idiot. You are definitely delusional. You have spent entirely too much time thinking about The Gays, and your mind has migrated away from you.
I think of it like this: People obsessed with the "homosexual agenda" are like the iceberg that sunk the Titanic. They are very big, very cold, and, um, mostly made of frozen water. Oh, and birds sometimes land on them. Wait, no—that's not working out. All right, maybe they aren't like an iceberg. Maybe they are just obsessed with the thought of a Gay Military coming to enslave them into kinky, kinky Gayness. If it ever comes to that, I am sure that they will let the women and children escape to the lifeboats first, and sacrifice themselves to the briny depths of The Gay. Then a hundred years from now some rich guy will discover their mummified remains and produce an extravagant docudrama about The Last Straight Christian Men, the ones who held out as long as they possibly could before succumbing to the mighty power of The Gay, and our grandchildren will all go see that film and be amazed at the production values, but think the story kinda sucks. Kinda really sucks, actually.