Not like we didn't
see this coming. It turns out, the only way House Republicans can figure out how to pay for the goodies in Paul Ryan's budget, like giving the Pentagon
more money than it even wants and
massive tax breaks to the rich, is to cut food stamps and let
millions go hungry:
An average family of four would face an 11 percent cut in monthly benefits after Sept. 1 and, even more important, tighter enforcement of rules would require that households exhaust most of their liquid assets before qualifying for help. [...]
In addition, $26 billion in longer-term savings are attributed to tougher eligibility rules affecting what assets a family can retain and the standard deduction allowed for utility costs.
It's the worst case scenario, cutting both
benefits and eligibility, forcing families to "exhaust" their resources before they can qualify for less. Millions would be shut out of the program entirely.
That's your Republican, Romney-endorsed budget right there: let millions starve so the Pentagon will be happy and the rich can keep their taxes low.