Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Deadbeat).
Sorry, ex-deadbeat.
Congratulations to the nation's most infamous deadbeat dad, Rep. Joe Walsh.
The Hill reports that Deadbeat Joe is officially no longer a deadbeat:
Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) and his ex-wife have reached an agreement to end the court case over whether he owed her more than $100,000 in unpaid child support, Walsh's campaign announced Thursday morning.
The couple even released a joint statement to make it very, very clear that Deadbeat Joe is no longer a deadbeat, so we can all stop calling him that now:
“We both regret this public misunderstanding and the effect it has had on our children. Like many families, we have had our share of issues and made our share of mistakes over the years. Having resolved these issues together and cleared up these mistakes in private, we now agree that Joe is not and was not a “deadbeat dad” and does not owe child support. We both have been loving and devoted parents to our children, ages 24, 21, and 17, and are happy to avoid a public legal fight hurtful to our entire family and look forward to caring for our children in private.”
Got that? Deadbeat Joe is
not a deadbeat. Stop saying that! The child support his ex-wife has been trying to get out of him for the better part of a decade is all taken care of now. Repeat: Deadbeat—sorry,
ex-Deadbeat—Joe is
not a deadbeat.
Of course, that doesn't mean he isn't still an awful stain on humanity for a long list of reasons, including, but not limited to, dismissing his rival Tammy Duckworth's military service (and the two legs she lost) in Iraq with an "Ehhh. Now let’s move on"; inviting said rival to debate him on a day when she has National Guard duty; and receiving an award from the Family Research Council for hating chicks and teh gays in just the right way.
Also, he is a "high-risk" driver who lost his license for also being a deadbeat when it comes to paying his car insurance.
But hey, at least he doesn't have that "Deadbeat dad" thing hanging over him anymore. And in case you were wondering, no, the terms of the settlement have not been disclosed.