Welcome to Weather 2.0 -- Welcome to "weather on steroids" as the guest Meteorologist Paul Douglas put it.
Up with Chris Hayes, April 21, 2012
link to video
"It's is not your Grandfather's weather anymore." It's like Mother Nature has "put the weather VCR on Fast Forward" ...
Happy Earth-day, people!
Story of the Week: the meaning green
Up with Chris Hayes, April 21, 2012
link to video
Say Boo!
to the Ostrich Flat-Earthers, next time you get a chance. (Even if they have D after their names.)
It's not your Grandfather's common-sense, science-based society anymore, either.
As Chris Hayes aptly put it:
"The Planet really doesn't care about the Filibuster. The Carbon is still going into the air -- and the Science is still the Science ..."
Welcome to
Gridlock on Steroids, people ... Welcome to Weather 2.0 -- the weather machine churning ahead, evermore frequently stuck
on fast-forward.
... no matter what the Ostrich-people collectively do, or not do.