Following up on the first Romney vs. Reality video which exposed seven Mitt Romney lies in 84 seconds, here's a new video from the Obama campaign exposing seven more Romney lies, this time in two minutes, and all focused on foreign policy:
For all the
punditry and
speculation about
why the Obama campaign isn't attacking Mitt Romney's record as a flip-flopper, this video is a reminder that the campaign is nonetheless going after the core Romney liability: his extraordinary mendacity. Remember, flip-flopping itself isn't a inherently bad—it's only bad when you do it purely for opportunistic reasons.
So whether the Obama campaign is targeting Romney's lies about Obama or his record of calculated flip-flops, they are really talking about the same core Romney fault: dishonesty. Romney's problem isn't just that he's a weathervane, it's that he's a sleazy salesman who refuses to show his customers the respect of telling them the truth. And this video shows the Obama campaign isn't backing off that message one bit.