Scott Walker has a long history of dirty, corrupt and rule-breaking politics and it didn’t start with the governorship in Wisconsin.
Walker attended Marquette from 1986 t0 1990, but never attained a degree (see page 5). His sophomore year, Walker ran for president of the Associated Students of Marquette University (ASMU, the former title for Marquette Student Government). He was accused of violating campaign guidelines on multiple occasions.
The Tribune reported then that he was found guilty of illegal campaigning two weeks before his candidacy became official. Later, a Walker campaign worker was seen placing brochures under doors at the YMCA. Door-to-door campaigning was strictly prohibited.
Walker initially denied this but later admitted to the violation, which resulted in lost campaign privileges at the YMCA.
So what exactly does this mean? Well that sometimes history has a way of repeating itself.
According to Marquette’s own newspaper (no better source), he was kicked out of the college for illegal campaigning. Keep in mind his office is currently under investigation for illegal campaigning for which he has set up a legal defense fund. Charges have been brought against several appointees and aides for both illegal campaigning and stealing money from veterans. Also notice how he initially denied that he was violating the door-to-door policy, but later admitted to the violation. Apparently he not only has a history of illegal campaigning, but he also has a history of lies.
Now Scott Walker was such an embarrassment and a liar that his own school newspaper had to offer a retraction for endorsing him in the first place
One of the hardest things in the world is to make a public retraction. But there are times, thankfully the exception rather than the rule, when new facts require re-evaluation of a sincere and carefully thought-out position. We find ourselves in precisely this position.
Tuesday, we announced our belief that “each of the two (ASMU) presidential candidates offers significant improvements over this years administration” and that “Either candidate would serve the student body well.” We no longer believe this to be the case. In light of developments since Sunday evening we now conclude that John Quigley alone shows the qualifications we deem necessary to successful leadership of ASMU.
Both Scott Walker and John Quigley presented themselves at our endorsement interviews as above-board candidates. They genuinely concerned themselves with the issues and declined to smear each other, even when asked to elaborate on the weaknesses of their opponent’s platform. But Tuesday morning, a Scott Walker campaign brochure was distributed on campus which amounts to nothing more than a blatant mudslinging spree.
Walker’s opponent is characterized misleadingly, as “constantly shout(ing) about fighting the administration,” as “threatening lawsuits” and as “try(ing) to lead several ineffective protests of his own.” In short, the student body is asked to view Quigley as a wild-eyed radical determined to rouse the students into surrounding O’Hara Hall with stones and spears. His platform is caricatured as “just vague ideals.”
Now why do I bring this up? Because, as addictinginfo goes on to note:
Taking a look at Scott Walker’s past shows us that he has always been this way. He has always relied on false attacks and dirty tactics to win office. Thankfully Marquette had enough and booted him for his illegal campaigning. Now it’s time for the people of Wisconsin to do the same. We must rise up and fight to make sure this dirty game does not become the norm in Wisconsin. We have a long history of clean and open politics. In just a year and a half this all changed. We must continue to fight.
Scott Walker is the same man he used to be in his college days. A dirty and corrupt liar.