It took longer than we had hoped, but we now have a simple YouTube video available. Please 'like' and share it tonight; let's spread this as widely as possible before the polls open in the morning!
It's been a long week and a half, but we're finally closing up shop on this effort. Here are the final numbers.
We raised $3,072.05, in 79 donations. The smallest contribution was $2; the largest (combined total from someone who donated twice) was $400. Several people donated multiple times.
We've spent almost all of the money (about 50 bucks left as of this writing) to put nearly six million Facebook ads in front over over 450,000 Wisconsin residents. We got almost 6,500 clicks from the ads, plus more traffic from people sharing the site and posting it in comments all over the web, and even a bit of organic traffic from the search engines. Overall, approximately 11,500 people visited the site more than 13,000 times.
We're no longer accepting donations for the deer campaign; if you still have money you can kick in, please consider giving to the Barrett Voter Protection Fund. As usual, the republicans are out in force with dirty tricks, and we need to counter them.
I want to thank everyone who's put in time and/or money to help get rid of Walker, especially the people who are out there doing GOTV. We deserve to win this one - not just because we're right (although we are), but because a lot of good people fought very hard. Here's hoping it pays off.