If the easily offended Michigan House Republicans thought their days of being subjected to hearing the
Most Offensive And Not Appropriate To Say In the Presence of Ladies WordTM were over, they may want to pack their bags and leave the state tonight. Because
the vaginas are coming to take away their freedomz:
When state House Republicans -- a largely male group -- indefinitely banned two Democratic women in the House from speaking in the chamber, it set the stage for an unlikely theatrical performance on the Capitol steps in Lansing.
At least nine female legislators will join actresses from around Michigan on Monday evening to read the 1996 play "The Vagina Monologues." [...]
The playwright Eve Ensler is flying in for the event from California, "and we have more and more actresses calling to fill out the cast," Milarch said Friday night. Staging the play seemed like the perfect response to conservative men silencing women for speaking in direct terms about body parts -- specifically for saying the word vagina, she said.
As I
wrote on Saturday, this all came about because, while speaking on the House floor in objection to a quite draconian anti-abortion bill, Rep. Lisa Brown dared to utter the word "vagina," which we all learned was the most offensive word you can possibly say and grounds for banning the speaker of said word indefinitely from speaking on the House floor.
The response to House Majority Leader Jase Bolger and his fellow Republican pearl-clutchers has not been kind—that is, if you consider the whole nation saying "vagina, vagina, vagina" to them to be unkind.
Michigan Republicans are insisting that it wasn't the word "vagina" they found so offensive; it's how Rep. Brown said the word. What does that mean? Who knows. Emphasis on the wrong syllable, perhaps?
It doesn't matter how Michigan Republicans try to spin their vaginatastrophe. They've now managed to draw national attention to what they'd hoped would be a nice, quiet attack on women's basic health care. And as long as they refuse to allow their female colleagues to speak against the bill, they're going to be hearing a lot of that most offensive of words. Especially tonight, starting at 5 PM at the Michigan Capitol Building (located at 100 North Capitol Ave, between West Allegean and West Ottawa), when Eve Ensler, great defender of vaginas, brings her Vagina Monologues to them.
If they were offended by hearing "vagina" once last week, they're about to hit 11 on the Being Offended meter tonight because it's going to be vagina, vagina, vagina tonight at the Capitol.
If you are not offended by the word "vagina," but you are offended by the idea that women shouldn't participate in conversations about their vaginas, send Jase Bolger an email demanding that all voices be heard.
Oh, and one more thing: