These pics are taken from Google Earth. Utah has been on a fracking frenzy and has recently gotten permits for at least 1,300 more wells near the Green River which flows into the Colorado River, which flows into recreational Lake Powell.
Like many Republican Governors, Utah's is pushing to take back federally protected lands because as Governor Herbert and Orrin Hatch of Utah say
"Utahns can better manage the lands in our state far better than any bureaucrat in Washington ever could," said Senator Orrin Hatch. "As a leader in the Sagebrush Rebellion, I've been fighting to turn federal lands in our state over to Utahns to own and control. I believe we are in a climate where, if we do it right, the lands in Utah can finally be under the management of our state, and I applaud the Legislature, Governor Herbert, and other parties in our state for sending this message."
ALEC helped!
ALEC's model Sagebrush Rebellion Act is designed to establish a mechanism for the transfer of ownership of unappropriated lands from the federal government to the states.
Let's stop pretending. These lands are wanted for their oil and gas, the heck with the environment.
The pics below show what "better management" will look like. I call these Fracking Art because they remind me of those painting sets we used as children, the ones with the little wells for each color.
Speaking of color? Anyone have any idea why the fracking waste ponds have different colors?
For those of you who enjoy Google Earth, you can see these for yourself at these coordinates. Copy/paste coords into Google Earth search window and zoom out to see these fracking waste ponds. For some reason, Google Earth won't honor specific coordinates for the fracking waste ponds.
40.043086 N 109.401642 W
You will be astounded at the number of fracking wells you will see, btw.
Fracking Art: 8 Pics of Utah's Open Fracking Waste Ponds
Many of these fracking waste pond sites are near Utah's White River which flows into the Green River, which flows into the Colorado River, which flows into the Lake Powell Reservoir. I've been watching these for over a year. It seems we have some new ones.
1. Fracking waste pond complex near the White River. This site is approximately .49 miles x .49 miles in size. The little things you see are truck containers. The ponds are ver large.
2. Another fracking waste pond complex near the White River
3. Another fracking waste pond complex near the White River
4. Two more fracking waste pond complexs near the White River, you can see many fracking well sites near the waste ponds here.
5. These fracking waste ponds are further east in Utah's Uintah basin, ground zero for fracking right now. These waste ponds are surrounded by fracking well sites.
6. More fracking waste ponds further east in Utah's Uintah basin, ground zero for fracking right now. These waste ponds are surrounded by fracking well sites.
7. Another fracking waste pond site further east in Utah's Uintah basin, ground zero for fracking right now.
8. Another fracking waste pond site, this one ironically adjacent to Seepage Road.
There seems to be little concern for the environmental impact of fracking in Utah.
This pic shows fracking wells surrounding the Montes Creek Reservior in Roosevelt, Utah.
As I will demonstrate for Wyoming and North Dakota in other diaries, there is seems to be no concern
about putting fracking wells on the banks of rivers.
Here are fracking wells on the banks of the White River, Utah
You would think the Governor of Utah would be happy with the Feds most recent act of complicity to drill Utah into swiss cheese.
Secretary Salazar authorized over 1,300 new wells in Desolation Canyon and near the Green River for Colorado based Gasco just last month!
The air quality in Uintah Basin has gone to hell.
Groups sue EPA over air pollution in Uinta Basin
There is a 2,800 square mile are in Uintah Basin, where Vernal, UT is located.
Here's a Google map view. The red lines show the area scope where the wells are located. The area measures approximately 70 miles by 40 miles or 2,800 square miles.
I shudder to think what is actually in that smog.