From the Atlantic:
Under Paul Ryan's plan, Mitt Romney wouldn't pay any taxes for the next ten years -- or any of the years after that. Now, do I know that that's true. Yes, I'm certain.
Well, maybe not quite nothing. In 2010 -- the only year we have seen a full return from him -- Romney would have paid an effective tax rate of around 0.82 percent under the Ryan plan, rather than the 13.9 percent he actually did. How would someone with more than $21 million in taxable income pay so little? Well, the vast majority of Romney's income came from capital gains, interest, and dividends. And Ryan wants to eliminate all taxes on capital gains, interest and dividends.
This is under Ryan's 2010 proposal. Ryan decided to muddy his proposal in its most recent iteration, but this is clearly Ryan's dream and Romney's as well. How can this be proposed? By destroying our social safety net and raising taxes on the 99%.
Rmoney indeed. They want our money to give to the 1%, especially to Mitt Romney.