Money can't buy him love.
Ha ha ha ha! Seriously? I clicked through the link to get the full story.
Priebus said the story of the presumptive Republican nominee is one of a "good, decent man" that built a successful business, managed the Olympics and governed Massachusetts.
Huh. I thought Bain Capital was off limits, what with Mitt Romney blubbering like a baby about those mean Democrats attacking it. I guess it's back in play. Good! How about some tax returns to go with the stories of vulture capitalism? Because nothing says "good" and "decent" like mass layoffs as Bain forced its companies to take on massive debt, pocketed the borrowed money, and left the over-leveraged companies to fend for themselves.
And Massachusetts? That's a new one, given that Romney and the Republicans have tried to erase those four years out of his CV. On the other hand, it'll be a great opportunity for Romney to talk about all those people who got healthcare via Romneycare. Or maybe not ...
Which leaves the Olympics, which wouldn't have happened without massive federal aid because, you know, he didn't build that.
In actuality, Romney has nothing to talk about. He can't talk about overcoming any obstacles in life because he's never had any. Being the spoiled brat son of a rich and powerful governor opens too many doors for him to have any compelling personal narrative. In fact, what little we've hear about youth is what you'd expect—he was an self-entitled bully. His own childhood "friends" have turned on him.
And he can't talk about his religion in any substantive manner, because he's afraid of the intolerant Christianists in his own party. So he is wholly incapable of talking about himself, hence the focus on his accomplishments.
But when his "accomplishments" have already been ground into liabilities, what's left for him to sell?
Nothing, which is why I doubt Romney will get much of a convention bounce at all. In fact, I'd be surprised if he even matched the five points John McCain got four years ago.
McCain actually had a compelling personal story to tell.