Mitt Romney may want to stop giving interviews, because dayum, he sucks at them.
"The president seems to be running just to hang on to power. I think he'll do anything in his power to try and get reelected."
Oh no! The president is trying to get re-elected? He's saying and doing things to try to win an
election? How
dare he?
How dare he, asks the guy who was for Obamacare when he called it Romneycare.
How dare he, asks the guy who was going to be further to the left than Ted Kennedy on gay rights, before he was going to be further to the right than Michele Bachmann on gay rights.
How dare he, asks the guy who believed in women's rights because of that one time a close relative died from a botched abortion, plus also Romney invested in a company that disposed of aborted fetuses, only now he believes every sperm is sacred because that's what it takes to be a Republican these days.
How dare he, asks the guy who believed in climate change until he got the memo that Republicans don't believe in that stuff because of Jesus.
How dare he, asks the guy who wanted to "let Detroit go bankrupt" until he decided it was his idea to save it.
Oh, the nerve of that president, saying and doing things to try to get elected. Who does he think he is—Mitt Romney?
You can't have any illegals working on our property. I'm running for office, for Pete's sake!