"It's small-minded to want to know more about something!"
A week ago, it was RNC Chair Reince Preibus saying that the 63 percent of voters who want to properly vet Mitt Romney's finances are "
Today, Romney called those very same 63 percent of voters "small minded."
The fascination with taxes I've paid I find to be very small-minded [...]
Romney is running for president of the
United States, not his country club. Rather than whine like a toddler, he needs to man up and deliver to the American people the documentation they demand in order to make an informed hiring decision. If he didn't want to suffer a proper vetting, he shouldn't have run. No one would've missed him. (And I really mean,
no one.)
Insulting the voters isn't helping his case.
But then again, his entire campaign is now focused on his party's 37 percent fringe, so perhaps he thinks it is.