Michele Bachmann, never smart:
Rep. Michele Bachmann said Tuesday that President Barack Obama, not the GOP, is suffering from a “gender gap.”
“The gender gap, really, is with Barack Obama, because Mitt Romney wins with men … and also, with married women,” the Minnesota Republican said on Fox News. “Barack Obama has an advantage with single women. What single women want more than anything is security. And they want to have, also, a job.”
Those numbers among women are pretty steady across the board. The big difference is that PPP sees Obama doing far better among men than other pollsters do. But among women, the results are practically unanimous. The ladies don't like Romney.
Now look at the trendlines of Romney's favorabilities with women, from the Daily Kos/SEIU weekly state of the nation poll:
Other than that blip in late July, Romney's numbers with women have been downright atrocious (and it's not like 41-46 was anything to brag about). Perhaps that's why on the RNC's Tuesday night prime time lineup, supposedly billed as "Women's Night", featured just a handful among a sea of men.
When the hole is this deep, you go for easier targets: welfare welfare welfare welfare welfare.