Wow...Obama is now leading Romney in all 11 swing states according to recent polls--including North Carolina. He's also up in two national polls by 7-points as described here:
President Barack Obama's yawning post-convention lead over Mitt Romney has extended to 7 points, according to two new polls released Friday.
Each poll shows the president earning the support of at least 50 percent of likely voters, while also showing a low level of support for Romney. The Heartland Monitor Poll, conducted by FTI Consulting on behalf of All State and the National Journal, shows Obama leading Romney, 50 percent to 43 percent.
...The new Reason-Rupe poll, conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International, shows Obama outpacing Romney among likely voters, 52 percent to 45 percent. That includes undecided respondents who are leaning toward one candidate.
Regarding North Carolina:
A new High Point University/Fox 8 Poll finds that President Barack Obama now has a slight lead over Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney in North Carolina, though race remains tight.
According to results released Thursday, 46 percent of North Carolina registered voters who participated in the poll said they would vote for Obama if the election were held today, compared to 43 percent who said they would vote for Romney. The general election is Nov. 6.
The results are a reversal of the last poll and the first time that Obama has led during surveys this summer. The previous HPU Poll, fielded in late August, found that 46 percent of registered voters in the state said they would vote for Romney while 43 percent said they would vote for Obama.
Other findings show Obama’s job approval rating is 49 percent, an improvement from earlier HPU Polls.
Read more: High Point Enterprise - Obama edges ahead in NC in poll
Also, if you include "leaners" the results are 48/44.
Go team blue!!!!!
Here's the hard data:
EDIT: From right-leaning Purple Strategies:
North Carolina (Obama +2): Obama currently holds a small lead, 48% to 46%. There is a relatively strong 18-point gender gap in the state, with men favoring Romney by 8 points, and women favoring Obama by 10.