Add fact-checker to Mitt Romney's résumé.
It would be hilarious if it were a script for a junior high school play. But Team Romney is serious. The campaign staffers that virtually told fact-checkers to drop dead have chosen a tactic for their candidate
in the debates with Barack Obama. They're going to have Romney ...
cough-cough ... fact-check the president. One more example of the upsidedownism of the Romney brand.
Mitt Romney plans to turn himself into a one-man truth squad during the first presidential debate next week, casting President Barack Obama as someone who can’t be trusted to stick to the facts or keep his promises. ...
Romney himself was the first to signal the strategy.
“I think he’s going to say a lot of things that aren’t accurate,” Romney said on ABC’s “Good Morning America” earlier this month, adding he would have to choose between correcting Obama and delivering his own message.
“I’d be tempted to go back to that wonderful line by Ronald Reagan, ‘There you go again,’” Romney said.
Ah, yes, a line from the Great Prevaricator, who himself would be astonished by Romney's record of lying and
lying about lying. So long is his list of falsehoods, concoctions, fabrications, untruths, half-truths, quarter-truths, fudges, claptrap, humbuggery, flim-flammery and four-flushing that Steve Benen has compiled
XXXV volumes of Mitt Mendacity.
No matter how prodigious the memory of any debater determined to fact-check Romney's veracity, keeping up with the Republicans' choice in a debate would require two ear buds connected to a platoon of staffers as well as an array of assistants in the back of the room holding up flash cards.
If the truth ran into Mitt Romney at a party, it would have to ask someone for an introduction.