It just wasn't in the Obama-Romney debate. I just happened to be scrolling through my 200 or so plus channels on my cable ( in which it is very difficult to find anything intersting to watch), when I came upon a very interesting item listed on C-Span...."The 1988 Vice-Presidential debate." Folow me over the fold......
I thought to myself wow, I would like to see that...becasue if I remember correctly the Democratic vice-presidential candidate Loyd Bentsen got off quite a zinger against the Republican guy.....Dan Quayle...but a funny thing happened when I tuned it in.....something quite unexpected.....While I was waiting for the ," You're no Jack Kennedy line," there was an actual question about......ready...."The Greenhouse effect"
I guess that's what they called it back then, before Global Warming and Climate Change became popular....One of the moderators ( there was a panel back then) asked Dan Quayle, " What do you propose to do about the "GreenHouse Effect". There was no, do you think it is real, or anything like that. I mean the question was asked in a matter of fact way as if it was accepted fact. EVen more to my surprise, Quayle answered that a Bush/Quayle administratin would work hard to combat the problem. I couldn't beleive my ears!! Have we really regressed that far, that 24 years later we don't even accept the science now when the situation is much worse...let alone that fact that back then even Reublicans said they would address the problem...
The great old baseball pitcher Satchel Paige once said, " Don't look back something might be gaining on you." Every once in a while you have to look back just to see how far you haven't come. Oh and by the way the JFK Zinger from Loyd Bentzen is still awesome even after all these years.............