There are somethings Bill Clinton does better than anyone else, one of those being eviscerating political opponents with a smile. Yesterday, in Vegas, Clinton gave his take on the first debate. Video and transcript after the jump.
I had a different reaction to that first debate than a lot of people did. I mean I saw...I thought 'Wow! Here’s old moderate Mitt. Where you been boy? I missed you all these last two years!' ...Now the problem with this deal is the deal was made by severe conservative Mitt. That was how he described himself for two whole years until three, four days before the debate they all got together and said 'Hey Mitt, this ship is sinking faster than the Titanic...So just show up with a sunny face, and say 'I didnt say all that stuff I said the last two years'...You gonna believe me or your lying eyes here..Come on...What are you doin?...And if I had been the President, I might have said, 'Well, I hate to get in the way of this...I miss you!'
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