President Obama and lying Romney may be close in opinion polls but when it comes to early voting, the President is winning and winning big in Reuters/Ipsos latest poll.
Obama grabs wide lead among those who have already voted: Reuters/Ipsos poll
WASHINGTON | Sun Oct 14, 2012 1:15am EDT
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney are neck and neck in opinion polls, but there is one area in which the incumbent appears to have a big advantage: those who have already cast their ballots.

Obama leads Romney by 59 percent to 31 percent among early voters, according to Reuters/Ipsos polling data compiled in recent weeks.
The sample size of early voters is relatively small, but the Democrat's margin is still well above the poll's credibility interval - a measurement of polls' accuracy - of 10 percentage points. (full graphic:
With the November 6 election just more than three weeks away, 7 percent of those surveyed said they had already voted either in person or by mail (full graphic:
The online poll is another sign that early voting is likely to play a bigger role this year than in 2008, when roughly one in three voters cast a ballot before Election Day. Voting is already under way in some form in at least 40 states.
You know what this means. It means our amazing GOTV efforts are working beautifully.
We're out working them and it shows where it matters the most.
Early voting starts on October 20th in Nevada.
Do you know when it starts in your state?

Early voting is a deciding factor in who wins this election.

We ARE winning this election. Let's take it over the finish line in style.
Every phone call you make, every knock on a door, every voter you help register and vote, every dollar you donate keeps our GOTV effort going and insures our victory in November.
Lets leave nothing but dust on the road behind us as we bring this home. The Republicans don't know what is about to hit them. They're going to be in negative cow bell territory. :)
Why? Because we're kossacks and we don't quit. We're Americans fighting for this Nation's future and we don't quit. We're fighting for our children and grandchildren and we damn well DO NOT quit!! We're fighting for our parents and grand parents and we do NOT quit! We're fighting for our friends, neighbors and towns and we do NOT quit.
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10:40 AM PT: Go to this site for early voting information in your state. The site has an interactive map, just use your mouse and hover over your state.