Cuz they hate this.
It's the moment you've been waiting for: your chance to vote on this week's nominees for the worst politician in the world. If you thought that this election has been ugly so far, just look at this week.
- Among the better news of the week was the The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruling that the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional. Which reminded us that the House of Representatives is carrying on the DOMA case, after the Obama administration decided to stop pursuing it. Since House Republicans took over the defense of DOMA, they've spent almost $1.5 million to keep losing. Do you know who authorized the contracts for the outside law firm carrying out that losing defense? Rep. Dan Lungren.
Ami Bera is running against Lungren, hoping to make the House a little less bigoted and homophobic of a place. We can help him do that, by contributing now and by making Lungren our Hell to Pay winner for the week.
- Of course, that's not all the homophobia for the week. There was that vile attack on Tammy Baldwin by the Washington Times. What better way to show the Right that those kinds of attacks will only backfire on them than by raising some major dough for Tammy Baldwin?
- Another option celebrating what an incredibly well-deserved shitty week Scott Brown had in Massachusetts? The Boston Globe blasted him for "misleadlingly" citing a Globe story on the absestos lawsuit in an ad. Then he really stepped in it when he accused the family of asbestos victims of being paid actors. That was on the heels of the revelation that homeless people were being paid to say they support him. He should have stuck with the homeless people, because his real supporters are pretty damned embarrassing. To top it all off, Warren smoked him in fundraising and in polling.
We could really top off a really horrible, awful not good week for Scott Brown with some Hell to Pay for Elizabeth Warren.
- Wouldn't you expect better out of California, even from a Republican? We've got one of those tea-bagger courtin', anti-science spewing GOP types running in CA-47. That would be Gary DeLong, who told a crowd in Long Beach, "I don’t see any scientific evidence that confirms" global warming. He also told the crowd at this forum that they should recycle more, that that was one solution for the climate, even if he doesn't really believe that there's a climate problem. That's an interesting suggestion from a guy who has written editorials in opposition to his opponent's efforts to toughen up recycling standards.
We have a direct opportunity to give yet another climate change denier some Hell to Pay, and elect Democrat Alan Lowenthal.
Make your case in the comments for who needs to have their ass kicked. Well, we won't really kick their asses. We'll just raise a whole lot of money for the Democrat they're opposing and make them pay.