I was just getting ready to leave to go to my local OFA field office to make calls when my husband asked me to print out this article by Daniel Ellsberg because he wanted to show it to our neighbor who is an undecided voter. Apologies for a short diary, but as I said, I'm on my way out to phone bank. I just thought there would be others who would find the arguments in this article useful when talking to friends, family, coworkers and neighbors, for any one who might say that there is no difference between the parties; Ellsberg argues that a Romney/Ryan administration would be significantly worse and explains why.
The traditional third-party mantra, “There’s no significant difference between the major parties” amounts to saying: “The Republicans are no worse, overall.” And that’s absurd. It constitutes shameless apologetics for the Republicans, however unintended. It’s crazily divorced from present reality.
And it’s not at all harmless to be propagating that absurd falsehood. It has the effect of encouraging progressives even in battleground states to refrain from voting or to vote in a close election for someone other than Obama, and more importantly, to influence others to act likewise. That’s an effect that serves no one but the Republicans, and ultimately the 1%.
The reelection of Barack Obama, in itself, is not going to bring serious progressive change, end militarism and empire, or restore the Constitution and the rule of law. That’s for us and the rest of the people to bring about after this election and in the rest of our lives -- through organizing, building movements and agitating.
That means for progressives in the next couple of weeks -- in addition to the rallies, demonstrations, petitions, lobbying (largely against policies or prospective policies of President Obama, including austerity budgeting next month), movement-building and civil disobedience that are needed all year round and every year -- using one’s voice and one’s e-mails and op-eds and social media to encourage citizens in swing states to vote against a Romney victory by voting for the only real alternative, Barack Obama.
Defeat Romney, Without Illusions about Obama
Advice to progressives in swing states, vote for reelection
I'm off to call voters in Florida to encourage them to vote early and avoid the lines on Election Day!