If you haven't been following the story, here's a quick summary:
Right wing family-values firebrand Dinesh D'Souza has been fired from his cushy sinecure at the evangelical Kings College after he was caught sharing a hotel room with his fiance, blogger Denise Odie Joseph II, at a christian conference.
Both D'Souza and Joseph are married.
D'Souza explained that "'I had no idea that it is considered wrong in Christian circles to be engaged prior to being divorced, even though in a state of separation and in divorce proceedings."
D'Souza filed for divorce on the day he was confronted about this, October 4.
The fun part is reading Joseph's views on family values. She's deleted her own blog, IDeniseLustAfter.com,which, when it existed, was described as "With an Avarice for Accoutrement~ Fashion, Lifestyle, and Socio-Political Opinion Blog". (You can still read the content in the Google cache). But some of her writing has not yet been scrubbed from the web.
Check out this great post at The Spearhead from just this past January: "The Impending Doom of RINO Dads and their Daughters: Whatever Happened to Good Ole Hypocrisy? As America looks down the barrel of 2012, I'm hoping to bring back one precious but forgotten tenet of our society."
Joseph starts off with the premise that "while the Tea Party movement has done much to reinvigorate the party's morale, it has done precious little for the party's morals."
(More after the jump.)
Who does Joseph see as the true problem?
What I mean is -If the new band of Republican Party revolutionaries are so disgusted by RINO Republicans, why no word on RINO men? After all, RINO politicians are nothing more than RINO men with unbridled blood thirsts for power. Perhaps, this is exactly why. Who likes to look in the mirror and see the picture of Dorian Gray? See the rot and decay of society on their collective conscience? See something that if they stopped to think about it, is unraveling the fabric of American society as fast as mass immigration sans assimilation.
After sneering at Republican women who take their marching orders from "St. Oprah", and making a bizarre aside about "the principled widespread women's opposition to women's suffrage", she gently explains how the evil feminists have GOP men by the balls.
And then... She goes off on the terrible moral relativism that encourages men - and in particular, RINO Republican men - to act no better than animals when it comes to using their balls, and the terrible consequences that has for that pillar of society, the American Family.
Time and again, they urged us to recognize human's natural "animal instincts" in relation to traditional morality and therefore, to reject traditional institutions like marriage as outdated because now these intellectual elites had things like biology and sociology, things like women's studies, gender studies, and critical race theory, to back them up. They pointed to infidelity or infamous sexual desire surveys (conducted by homosexuals) among traditionally married couples to :prove" their theses. Limb by limb, they tore the traditional family to shreds until they reduced us to the shining bastion of cesspool equality that we have now in every American ghetto and which is seeping out into the middle and upper classes in less animated ways.
Who does this hurt? Their daughters!
It is entirely fair to say that the number of broken homes and otherwise "modern" families reflect an unquestionable victory for the feminists/liberals who intended to destroy and transform that sacred cornerstone of American society - the traditional family. While RINO Dads and men are often heard snickering about feminists around the water cooler, they do not realize that by virtue of being RINOs, they are complying with the same feminist/liberal system of social engineering they sneer at when manifested in more obvious forms like the black single-mother society, and are setting their own sons up to be the "playas" and their daughters up to be the "played."
(I note in passing that D'Souza is 51, and Joseph graduated from high school, according to her Facebook page, in 2002.)
Of course, it's also the fault of pop culture and Ke$ha. But listen to Joseph deconstruct the video to "Tik Tok":
"Tik Tok" might as well be a Discovery Channel documentary on the behavior of that intriguing species known as the RINO Dad. Apparently, though her video father seems capable of amassing enough wealth to afford his family a shiny, comfortable lifestyle, he is completely powerless against the will of his monstrous teenaged whore child. Perhaps Ke$ha's father learned along the way that if he beat the hell out of Ke$ha like she deserves and then sent her to a convent, he would become a social pariah and end up in jail. Perhaps he never even thought about convents because after robotically repeating "Happy Holidays" at Christmastime each year, he forgot that God exists. Or perhaps, more likely, he became "enlightened" along the way and learned that Ke$ha is just experimenting with her sexuality and that he could not possibly judge or rebuke her because after all, doesn't he himself fantasize about getting plastered and engaging in coitus with a young, blonde female from time to time? Upbraiding his daughter who is brave enough to do this openly would be pure hypocrisy, right? And he couldn't possibly be a hypocrite, right? An enabler, an accessory, a castrated, dumbfounded puppet, but never a hypocrite, right?
Jesus. This is the girl who shared a hotel room with Republican family values icon Dinesh D'Souza?
Henceforth, all of us will be staring down the barrel of life in a hip hop video or government-funded project where no one makes pretenses about "wat they be." Where no one has to succumb to sin because sinning is the status quo and where no one need ridiculously pretend to be faithful because well, we would have wisely outgrown such primitive notions about nuclear families as individual economies.
She then proceeds to run down the exploits of Sarah Palin, Liz Cheney, and the Bush girls and dismiss them as RINO women married to RINO men. But it's the final comment that is most incredible...
RINO Dads, the next time you see your daughter bounding (or sauntering) down the stairs in a pair of booty shorts with messages like "juicy" emblazoned on her backside, please stop her, turn her around, and force her to go upstairs and change. As you march her room-ward, tell her why she can't dress like this, school her on the consequences of her behavior. Do it even if you were on your way to your man cave to watch porn featuring teenaged-looking girls dancing around in booty shorts with messages like "juicy" emblazoned on their backsides. Do it for your daughter, yourself, society, the ideal, but most of all, do it because you now remember that hypocrisy has always been our last, best hope.
Wow. Just... wow.