This morning, the Romney foreign policy campaign team, a collection of retreads from the disastrous George W. Bush foreign policy apparatus, released this campaign memo. As I scanned through it, I noticed something peculiar—there were more than a few words missing from it—words like terror, Iraq, al Qaeda, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and, yes, Osama bin Laden. Maybe that's because Mitt Romney said if he were president he would not have made the call President Barack Obama made to kill or capture Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. Romney would have asked Pakistan for a permission slip:
Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney said Friday that Democrat Barack Obama's warning to Pakistani leaders that he might use force to root out terrorists in that country were "ill-considered" and could hamper America's ability to build a coalition of countries against terrorism. [...] In a speech this week, the senator from Illinois issued a warning to Pakistani leaders that if they didn't improve their efforts targeting terrorists who use that country as a sanctuary, the United States might intervene with force.
Instead of issuing threats, the United States should work with nations to root out extremist forces, Romney said. "We want as a civilized world to participate with other nations in this civilized effort to help those nations reject the extreme within them," Romney said. "That doesn't mean that our troops are going to go all over the world."
If Romney were president, according to Romney, Osama bin Laden would not have been killed that night unless the Pakistan government issued him a permission slip. That's why I think you won't be hearing much from Romney about al Qaeda, terrorism and Osama bin Laden tonight.
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