Can Mitt Romney even find Iran on a map?
A statement Romney made during the debate Monday raises serious doubts.
Transcript: Presidential debate, Oct. 22, 2012
ROMNEY: Well, let's step back and talk about what's happening in Syria and how important it is. First of all, 30,000 people being killed by their government is a humanitarian disaster. Secondly, Syria is an opportunity for us because Syria plays an important role in the Middle East, particularly right now.
ROMNEY: Syria is Iran's only ally in the Arab world. It's their route to the sea. It's the route for them to arm Hezbollah in Lebanon, which threatens, of course, our ally, Israel. And so seeing Syria remove Assad is a very high priority for us. Number two, seeing a — a replacement government being responsible people is critical for us.
Syria is Iran's only route to the sea??
(1) Iran's southern coastline is a thousand miles long.
(2) Iran does NOT share a border with Syria.