This Politico article is awesome. In it we got donors bitching they were lied to. Their money stolen. Essentially they're saying they were victims of consumer fraud. Their donations taken from them on false pretenses.
Advisers to Mitt Romney insisted Wednesday that they were surprised by the scale of their loss to President Barack Obama, while big-time GOP donors griped about the campaign’s unflinching confidence in the final stretch.
You know when you support a candidate who'll say anything for years to get elected, who'd take any position, who had zero core convictions and only cared about one thing, getting elected, then I'm sorry I have no sympathy for you and the loss of your money. As far as I'm concerned, you can't plead ignorance. No, you're co-conspirators in the fraud that was attempted to be pulled on the American people. A campaign about nothing and with no values, true positions or consistency.
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“They ran a 20th century campaign in the 21st century,” said one Romney bundler, frustrated that the campaign made assumptions about the youth vote and voter intensity that didn’t pan out. “The anger is that they were entrusted to do certain things. It’s not like they were paid a $5,000 retainer to get a few dozen articles in an inside-the-Beltway paper. This is the major leagues.”
In the end, these tools are still about money and themselves. Are they upset at their lost chance to serve the nation? To make history? To achieve great things? To serve their citizens for a higher purpose? To do good and serve benevolently? No, they're pissed they lost some cash. Pathetic.
“There were a lot of Republicans who were on calls that the campaign was having led to believe we had shots in Pennsylvania and Minnesota,” one Republican operative supporting Romney said. “I think Republicans are split right now between confused and shocked, and also I think they are wondering did the Romney campaign have numbers we didn’t have.”
You know what guys? You hang out with trash long enough, pretty soon you start smelling like it. The Romney crew was trash. They didn't care about anything other than power. They're not in it to tell truth to power. To serve the people. They're there to tilt things back to the folks they approve of and themselves. Period. Fuck them. Fuck their whole ilk. I hope the whole lot of them is declaring bankruptcy in a year. They suck. They are despicable. They deserved to lose even worse than they did and they have zero respect for America, democracy, honesty, higher callings and most of the American people.
They ran the single most dishonest campaign in American history. And its not even close.