so I will offer a snip from her wikipedia entry:
Rice attended Stanford University, where she received a Truman Scholarship, and graduated with a B.A. in history in 1986. She was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.
Awarded a Rhodes Scholarship, Rice attended New College, Oxford, where she earned a M.Phil. in 1988 and D.Phil. in 1990. The Chatham House-British International Studies Association honored her dissertation titled "Commonwealth Initiative in Zimbabwe, 1979-1980: Implication for International Peacekeeping" as the UK's most distinguished in international relations.
I will make no further direct comment on Dr. Rice.
I will make a comment on Senator McCain, quoting from his Wikipedia entry:
McCain came into conflict with higher-ranking personnel, and he did not always obey the rules, which contributed to a low class rank (894 of 899), despite a high IQ
So "despite a high IQ" Mr. McCain did not achieve academically, whereas Dr. Rice has a distinguished academic record from two elite institutions. So who is really "not very bright"??