This is just priceless. I haven't been able to think about Republican Congress Critters and laugh at the same time in years! Usually I'm either fighting off wanting to throw things in disgust, or tears of rage. I bow in awe to the AIDS activists from Health Global Access Group (GAP), Queerocracy, Act Up NY and Act Up Philadelphia.
At least three AIDS activists were arrested on Tuesday after they and other naked demonstrators briefly took over House Speaker John Boehner’s (R-OH) to protest budget cuts to health care services.
Activists from ACT UP, New York ACT UP, Philadelphia ACT UP, Housing Works and the Student Global AIDS Campaign stripped down in the lobby of the Speakers office and began chanting to send Congress a message ahead of World AIDS Day on December 1.
“Budget cuts are really rude, that’s why we have to be so nude!” the protesters shouted. “Boehner, Boehner, don’t be a dick! Budget cuts will make us sick!”
Continuing the Republican War on Women, the three people arrested were women, charged with lewd conduct and indecent exposure. No male protesters were reportedly arrested.
We all need to be standing up because Speaker Boehner is more than willing to use the House to sabotage the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid, and absolutely everything else. Peoples lives are literally on the line.
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Remember during the election when the line was going around saying "Vote as if lives depend upon it, because they do?" It is as true now as it was then. Perhaps even more so. We can't morally or fiscally allow the Republicans to have their way. We need to increase revenue through a Robin Hood Tax and that's just for starters. We need to fight to protect the ACA and properly fund Medicaid. Billionaires and Wall Street don't need a deeper bottom line more than our people need health care.
Update: Press Release from -
Contact: Amirah Sequeira, 703-439-9369
Embargoed until 11/27/12 12:15p.
Seven Risk Arrest in a Naked Protest in Speaker Boehner’s Longworth Office
Washington, DC: Tuesday, November 27, a few days before World AIDS Day, seven AIDS activists entered House Speaker Boehner’s Office and stripped naked demanding a meeting with the Congressmember. The activists from QUEEROCRACY, ACT UP NY and ACT UP Philadelphia painted slogans on their bodies instead of holding signs: “AIDS Cuts Kill” and “Fund PEPFAR, Fund Ryan White, Fund Global Fund, Fund Medicaid, Fund HOPWA.”
“When you strip away the rhetoric of the fiscal cliff and the grand bargain, you see that these terms are a way to thinly veil draconian budget cuts that will leave millions around the world with absolutely nothing,” said Cassidy Gardner from QUEEROCRACY.
On Thursday, Secretary Clinton is expected to announce a blueprint to end AIDS. The mandatory budget cuts will make this goal nearly impossible, resulting in at least 620,000 otherwise preventable deaths from HIV. The naked protest was timed to coincide with the World AIDS Day march of hundreds of AIDS activists marching from the Democratic National Committee to the offices of Congressional leaders to demand a stop to the sequestration budget cuts that will push the world backwards in the fight against AIDS. In May of 2011, the U.S. funded study, HPTN 052, proved that the AIDS pandemic could be stopped and we could see an AIDS free world in a generation if a small number of people were put on treatment around the world.
“The naked truth is that if President Obama and Congressional leaders like Speaker Boehner allow these budget cuts to lifesaving programs, global health programs will lose $689 million, while domestic AIDS programs will lose $538 million.”, said Eustacia Smith from ACT UP New York.
“Boehner and others in Congress think that they can gut lifesaving programs without any consequences. We are here to bare witness and expose the effect on their constituents.” said, Michael Tikili from QUEEROCRACY.
Photos and video available.
H/T to
Update: Want to show support for the very people those brave activists were willing to be arrested for? I know you do. :)
Our own anotherdemocrat is once again working her heart out to raise money for those with AIDS and HIV in Austin, Texas. She's been doing this for 13 years and wrote about this year's efforts in a diary today.
I usually do my first fundraising diary for my birthday in January, but there's this new thing of #GivingTuesday, and I've been reminded that there are people who might be looking for charitable donations for 2012. So, I'm here to tell you about the Hill Country Ride for AIDS. It is a 1-day ride (there are routes of varying lengths) that raises money for agencies that provide services for people affected by HIV & AIDS in Austin. There has been a huge amount of generosity around this place recently -- I hope all the money needed for the propane drive was raised. But I'm here asking for donations for another worthy cause. Here's my My Hill Country Ride donation page
So if we've met you know I have 2 big passions besides electing more & better Democrats - AIDS Walk Austin (for which I was the second biggest fundraiser last October) and the Hill Country Ride for AIDS, which I'll be participating in for the 13th time in April. I've been the top fundraiser for the Ride before & both the Ride and I have big fundraising goals this year. I want to raise $5,000 which is a crazy big goal for an individual and the Ride has a goal of $500,000.
The Hill Country Ride for AIDS. It is an annual fundraising event that has taken place annually since the spring of 2000. The Wise Giving Alliance, a program of the Better Business Bureau states that events should "return at least 60% of money raised for program activities." The Hill Country Ride for AIDS returns an average of 76%.The Ride was voted "Best Bike Ride" in the 2010 & 2011 Austin Chronicle Readers Polls. A Hill Country Rider summed it up for many when he said "The fellowship and commitment to the cause is so strong on this Ride, and the money goes where it belongs. I am so proud! I’ll be back."
Update: Act Up NY's website is here -
Want to tweet them a message of support and love? Here you go - @actupny