Not as deeply sourced as I would prefer but I consider Occupy, City Room @ The New York Times, The Gothamist, and Toby Wollin credible.
Cross posted at The Stars Hollow Gazette, DocuDharma, and Voices on the Square.
NYC Threatens Imminent Eviction Of 24/7 Sandy Relief Hub
Nov. 30, 2012, 3:07 p.m. EST
The community-run network of support for food, volunteering, supplies, clothing, and human services is an essential part of the New York City recovery efforts, and the mayor’s office wants to shut it down immediately. The mayor’s office is calling upon local police forces to “clear all outdoor sites” effective immediately. We are calling on all New Yorkers to advocate on behalf of these community run hubs that provide essential services to those whom the city and federal government, and support agencies, have under-served, neglected, or abandoned.
This Friday morning Staten Island police representing the mayor’s office have threatened eviction action against the crucial Staten Island hub at 489 Midland Avenue, in the heavily hit Midland Beach area. Aiman Youssef, a 42-year-old Syrian-American Staten Islander whose house was destroyed in the hurricane, has been running a 24/7 community pop up hub outside his property at 489 Midland Avenue since the day after the storm. He and a coalition of neighbors, friends and community members are serving hot food and offering cleaning supplies, non-perishables, medical supplies, and clothing to the thousands of residents who are still without heat, power, or safe housing. This popular hub is well-run, well-staffed, and has a constant hum of discussion, support, and advice as well as donations and pick ups and volunteer dispatch through another pop-up group, volunteers who call themselves “The Yellow Team.”
Staten Island Volunteers Fear City Will Hamper Their Hurricane Relief Efforts
December 1, 2012, 8:26 pm
Several organizations including Occupy Sandy, an offshoot of Occupy Wall Street, and another volunteer group called the Yellow Team also used the location. Mounds of donated supplies quickly took up the entire sidewalk for half a block in front of LaRocca’s Family Restaurant.
According to Farid Kader, 29, a Staten Island resident and a volunteer, the official said that he worked for the mayor’s office.
“He told us, ‘we’re moving you out,’ ” Mr. Kader said. “He told us it was unsafe. That’s the word he used.”
After that, Mr. Kader said, the official ordered a Red Cross truck that was delivering supplies to the area to leave.
The City Hall press office did not immediately respond to a message from a reporter on Saturday.
Video: Bloomberg Praises Occupy Sandy, "You Guys Are Great"
By Ben Yakas, The Gothamist
December 1, 2012 11:55 AM
Bloomberg probably would have rather avoided any confrontations with protesters or Occupy people, but his helicopter touched down right behind Occupy Sandy's headquarters at the St. Camillus Church, according to DNAInfo. Residents were upset that Bloomberg didn't stick around to talk to locals: “I feel like he could have answered a question," said Christine Donohue, whose home was destroyed in the storm. "If he could have at least acknowledged the questions. Just one...It's just like I was talking to the wall. It was rude. Help us please.”
“They wanted to try to talk to him, to have him hear what was going on," Jessica Roff, a Sandy organizer who has been volunteering since the day after the storm, explained to DNAInfo. “It's pretty desperate. It's really cold. It's getting colder. There are a lot of people without heat and hot water," she said. “The health crisis is growing." After he left, she added that, "People were pretty aggravated at the mayor. They were pretty aggravated with everybody. People were frustrated, but not surprised."
At the moment reporting is a little thin, but I would hope by tomorrow it will be a trending topic. A tip of the hat to Toby Wollin who suggests polite action.
NYC Threatens to Shut Down Occupy Sandy Relief Sites
By: TobyWollin, Firedog Lake
Promoted on: Saturday December 1, 2012 7:54 pm
Occupy Sandy is looking for vocal support – call, email the Mayor’s office to keep these very vital hubs operating. Public Advocate’s office: (212) 669-7250 9am-5pm
Civility is overrated. I suggest the time to express your outrage and support the
Bonus Army is right now.