Jodie is still in her house. And the Occupy Oakland Foreclosure Defense Group is still there, twenty four hours a day. (See the end of the diary for links to background information about Jodie's eviction defense).
Morgan Stanley is still sending us letters from a lawyer of theirs who seems unable to understand the case. Jodie's now sent by certified mail ("It cannot be rescinded, not even questioned") the letter of transit she tried to deliver a bit ago in person to the grand-high poohbah of Morgan Stanley San Francisco. "Foreclosure Free Zone" signs are popping up around the neighborhood. And there's rain. Lots of rain.
Five homo sapiens with non-melting properties when interacting with H2O -- a recognized subspecies -- decided to brave the weather yesterday to canvass the neighborhood, giving Jodie's neighbors an update on her status. I came prepared for a torrential downpour, armed with an umbrella, rain hat, rain jacket and a complete change of clothes (I figured I would get soaked regardless, even if I am impervious to melting) but the rain Gods had pity. I had recently sacrificed a voodoo doll in the image of a bankster to these Gods; I attribute our good fortune thusly.

A canvassing we will go, a canvassing we will go... Well, two of us in this picture, and three others, two of whom hadn't quite arrived at Jodie's yet and one who was taking the picture.
Canvassing Tails
A few houses into the canvass I knocked the usual knock on a door.
"Arf! Rooof! Arf! Arf! Arf! Rooof! "Arf! Rooof! Arf! Arf! Arf! Rooof!
If you've ever knocked on doors you've had the experience. The dog believes the world is going to end because you knocked, and you're just hoping the neighbors across the street don't call the police to complain that the zombie apocalypse has begun.
"Arf! Rooof! Arf! Arf! Arf! Rooof! "Arf! Rooof! Arf! Arf! Arf! Rooof!
Okay, owner of dog obviously not home. Time to leave the flyer and proceed. This house had a mail slot in the door, so I rolled up our little flyer and started to carefully slip it into the mail slot, intending to leave it half in and out.
The flyer was sucked through the mail slot, vanishing from sight in an instant. Presumably the dog jumped up, grabbed the flyer with its teeth (most dogs do not have opposable thumbs, right?) and settled down to a nice, tasty snack! Taken a bit aback, I didn't even have the wherewithal to leave another flyer outside on the porch.
C'est la vie. The dog probably wouldn't have much fun at the movie night the flyer was advertising.
What movie night is that?
We're having our 2nd neighborhood movie night at Jodie's Thursday (weather permitting). We're showing UP, featuring the world's saddest first ten minutes of a cartoon. To cheer us UP there will be popcorn and hot cider. Not exactly UPscale, but kind of UP UP with People (Zounds: who knew there was still an organization by that name! It was founded in 1965.)
AND OMG. It's truly horrifying what one can find on the Internet. Really, you do not want to watch this video.
Anyway, that's the news from Jodie's House. Where all the Occupiers are above average.
Jodie's Story as Told So Far in Daily Kos Diaries..
Day 1:
If I'm in Jail When They Call Ohio Tomorrow For Obama...
Day 2:
Update on #DefendJodie, The Woman Undergoing Cancer Treatments About to Be Evicted From Her House.
Day 3:
The Realtor Arrives. The Realtor Threatens Jodie. Jodie Stays.
Day 5:
We Shut Down Morgan Stanley's Phone Line.
Day 8:
In Which We Are Contacted by An Alien Life Form.
Day 9:
In Which The Issues of Foreclosure & Eviction Get International Attention.
Day 15: In Which We Prepare To Cross the Great Sea.
Day 16: In Which We Try To Deliver a Letter To Morgan Stanley But Shut Down a Skyscraper.
Day 18: In Which OccuPiers Eat Well And the Oakland Tribune Takes Notice.
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