The worst Americans.
In the wake of this last mass murder, this one that is supposed to be different now, politically, from all the others because only the most monstrous among us could watch the aftermath of 20 children executed in their bright, sunny classrooms and think to themselves that there is nothing much to be done about such a thing, the Tea Party Nation watched, and waited two days, and sent out written proof that they are, indeed, the worst among us. If a lone fool pens a lone letter outlining how all his own crackpot little fantasies have been validated by these murders, that is one thing, but if the leader of the association passes it along as the sort of good, solid crackpot fantasies that his little organization of misfits, morons and terrorists-in-training can endorse, that is something else.
I have no patience left. Nobody should. But here is the advice that the Tea Party Nation is giving out, just so you know that somewhere along the line, the astroturf group that first ponied up the dough lost control and now the racists, the paranoid, and the militia goons have taken over:
1. Homeschool. Take away the power of the radicals in the classroom.
The "radicals" here would be referring to the teachers and principals and other students, not the heavily armed murderers. I thought I read something that said the murderer had been homeschooled for a while, but I am probably mistaken.
2. Back Right to Work legislation for the public sector. Teacher’s unions have helped cement much of this in place.
I am not sure what it takes to look at the teachers who in crisis tried to protect their young charges (your children, and mine) from bullets, some successfully and some not, and wander perfectly from that into the assertion that they are evil and we should cut their pay and break their unions, but apparently there is at least one set of dumb fucks in America who not only think that, but feel no particular need for even a week of silence between the first part and the second part.
(Continue reading below the fold.)
3.Engage in more frank discussion of race and culture. For far too long we have tiptoed around these issues, fearful of being branded a racist. If black thugs kidnap and rape a woman, ask if there is something in the black culture that fostered that. If an evil white kid murders a bunch of children at the school, ask the same question of the white community.
There is not a damn thing that would suggest "race" had the slightest bit to do with the murder, but it is the advice of the Tea Party Nation that you contemplate race anyway. This likely has little to do with the "Tea Party" originally forming as a response to this nation's first black president, because they have repeatedly said it did not. They simply wish you to use this opportunity to ponder on why black thugs might be raping women.
6.[…] As an FBI profiler said on television last night, he undoubtedly felt powerless and sought to remedy that. Why does a twenty year old feel powerless? […] He feels powerless because he has lived in an over-bureaucratized society, one run ultimately from a far-away central location. […] The Left has systematically destroyed the family for the purpose of empowering the State, and this has destroyed so many lives.
Fucking John Birchers, the lot of them. Paranoid, anti-communist little shits still obsessing over how the red menace is "destroying your families" by sending child protective services after your drunken, ignorant ass or making sure the company you work for can't poison you daily just for the hell of it. Yes, the mentally unbalanced son of a gun-collecting survivalist would have been fine, if it were not for the rampant interference of
the State.
7.Restrict the sex in movies, television, on the internet. There is a reason why young people commit these sorts of crimes, and sex plays no small part.
And at this point you know that the Tea Party Nation is, in fact, an elaborate hoax movement, because there is not a goddamn person of mental competence
anywhere that would say the reason we have executions of 20 grade-school children and their teachers is because 20-year-old men have been exposed to too much sexyness on their televisions. And I am beginning to think the author of this screed is so unbalanced himself that we will be seeing
his name in the papers next, so radical and delusional is his prescription for how to reshape all of society in his own image. Look how far afield he has to cast his net—a laundry list of all the same conspiracies, convictions and obsessions he felt before, down to the last little dot, no doubt—in order to come up with reasons why we should pay no attention to whether or not mentally unbalanced individuals can so easily, at any point in time, strap on enough firepower to execute a few dozen people if they on some particular day feel they need to do it.
No, it is the teachers, and the unions, and the black people, and the bureaucracy, and the sex that cause these things, not a faux-militaristic fetishization of mass killings as a legitimate and even heroic thing to do, among countless supposedly patriotic movements, if "the State" does one too many things you do not like, and the subsequent demand of Tea Party Nation and other like-minded groups that all Americans, no matter how paranoid their little screeds or obviously unstable their worldview, be allowed enough weaponry to carry out these acts of mass-murdering patriotic heroism on a moment's notice, if and when they feel that time has come.
But this last one is the capper. There is nothing to be said, for this one. It neatly detaches the Tea Party Nation from any political force you have to pay two shits worth of respect for. It brands them as delusional, and stupid.
9.Support the creation of local organizations to act as “neighborhood watch” for schools. Had George Zimmerman been at the front door instead of some mechanical card reader those children would still be alive. Perhaps it’s time we start asking for volunteers to protect our children. It will require security checks, but isn’t that worth it? This dovetails with the union problem; the unions will fight this measure tooth-and-nail.
Imagine a George Zimmerman standing at the door of every school, every day, gun in his holster, deciding every day which, of the many people coming through the door, every day, might need to be preemptively shot.
I have no possible response to that. If that is your version of a safer America—a better nation, made better because we now have volunteers on every street and in every school, always contemplating whether or not they should shoot each other, or someone else, or you—then I am convinced: Yes, we need to take your goddamn guns away. We need to take your guns away, specifically, and right goddamn now.