• How is it we can't have a pledge like Norquist's - that any Democrat who votes to cut Social Security in any way will be primaried and replaced with somebody who will defend one of the best things America ever did for itself?
• Who exactly do we have to hit with the Clue By Four before the Democratic establishment stops funding campaigns of people willing to violate the pledge? (see above.)
• How stupid do establishment Democrats have to be to fall in line for a Grand Bargain that won't last 5 seconds past a Republican return to power?
• Why does anyone with more than half a brain believe Republicans are serious about shoring up government, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, or anything else the 1% has in its sights?
• How much of this is being driven by the Pete Peterson crowd and the money behind them?
• How much of this is the Very Serious People (aka the People Who Keep Getting It Wrong) drowning out any alternatives to the Common Stupidity?
• If you were facing trial in a court of law for a crime you didn't commit with Obama as your lawyer, do you think he'd fight like Hell to try to get you off, or would he "come to the center" and tell you to be happy with a reduced sentence?
• How many more times does President Obama have to play Charlie Brown to the Republican's Lucy and the Football before he 'gets' it?
• Why exactly is it Democrats seem driven to reject their own base to chase approval from people sworn to destroy them?
• Why is it only Joe Biden who seems to be capable of sounding like someone who doesn't spend every thinking moment inside the Beltway Bubble - and will they ever stop ridiculing him for it?
• If the Democratic establishment and the consultant class isn't willing fight for 50 states like Howard Dean, could they at least tell us how many they'll settle for, and which ones, so we can move and let the rest secede?
• How much longer will Democrats continue to believe the only way to win elections is to fear Republicans more than their own base?
• Can someone PLEASE tell the President if he doesn't stop negotiating with himself, he'll go blind?
• Where did all the smarts that steered Obama through a campaign into a second term go once the election was past?
• Is it possible moderate Republicans are alive and well after all - and are running the Democratic establishment and the media?
• When will someone say the best way to deal with budget deficit is to ignore it and put people back to work first? (Besides Paul Krugman, that is.)
• Are we having another 'pivot to the center' moment where both sides work together to screw the voters?
• What exactly did we have an election for, anyway if the goal now seems to be to erase the differences between the two sides? (see above question.)
• Would it be impolite to mention the only time Republicans take firearm regulations seriously is when Republicans start getting shot?
• Could someone suggest to the Theocrats that every time they tell us God is letting bad things happen to us because we've been ignoring him, they're really helping the atheists win?
• If Superstorm Sandy had attacked the East Coast with assault weapons, would we finally be having a 'serious conversation' about climate change?
• Think anyone will finally realize the real deficit problem is the attention deficit disorder that seems to keep anyone in Washington from thinking any farther than the next news cycle?
• Why is the administration leaving so many judgeships vacant, and leaving so many partisan holdovers in place to keep sabotaging the administration's policies? (see above point.)
• Why does the administration keep pulling Democrats out of elected offices to fill appointed positions, instead of turning to up and coming candidates with the potential for growth and future political stardom? (again, ditto.)
• Whatever happened to Mitt Romney - and why didn't it happen sooner? And can it happen to Paul Ryan? Soon, please?
• How is going over the fiscal cliff any worse than giving Republicans what they want and more? Didn't they build that cliff in the first place?
• Has anyone in the White House considered the possibility that one can be "the adult in the room" and still be a sucker?
• Will the Human Turtle and Orange Man save Middle Man from himself by saying "No" once more, or will they agree to let him screw himself? (Deja vu all over again.)