Pssst. Michele. You might want to pay your staff before they spill even more of your dirty little secrets.
Today in
why you shouldn't treat your staff badly, then refuse to pay them when they refuse to retroactively agree to aid and abet your potentially criminal activities, we have
this juicy little nugget from Andrew Kaczynski at Buzzfeed:
Michelle [sic] Bachmann's high-profile debate coach, Brett O'Donnell, developed an "unnatural" and "Rasputin-like" relationship with his candidate during her failed 2012 presidential campaign, another former aide told BuzzFeed, a charge O'Donnell denies.
The former aide who's keeping us entertained with the trash-talking is Peter Waldron—the same Peter Waldron who's
had an awful lot to say lately about his former employer:
Peter Waldron, her controversial former national field coordinator, told Salon the dispute started when former Iowa straw poll staffers refused to sign a nondisclosure agreement that would bar them from discussing any “unethical, immoral, or criminal activity” they witnessed on the campaign with police or reporters. [...]
Waldron said the staffers are owed a mere $5,000, and that Bachmann has more than $2 million in her campaign account, but has refused to pay unless the staffers sign the agreement.
Of course, that whole refusing-to-pay-staff thing was last week's news. This week, Waldron is regaling us with tales of how easily Bachmann was apparently brainwashed by her debate coach who, Waldron says, had an "unusual power over Mrs. Bachmann." How powerful was he? This powerful:
"He prohibited her husband, Dr. Marcus Bachmann, from sleeping in the same room with wife while on the campaign trail," Waldron said in an email to BuzzFeed.
Marcus was no doubt heartbroken about that.
Too bad Michele Bachmann is so busy still trying to repeal Obamacare instead of keeping her former campaign staffers happy. Probably a bad idea to screw them over when they're obviously sitting on a goldmine of gossip—and potentially criminal activities—about the queen of batshit crazy.
Tell the FEC to investigate the alleged crimes of Michele Bachmann's presidential campaign.