As you can see by Itzl's concerned look, this group is for us to check in at to let people know we are alive, doing OK, and not affected by such things as heat, blizzards, floods, wild fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, power outages, or other such things that could keep us off DKos. It's also so we can find other Kossacks nearby for in-person checks when other methods of communication fail - a buddy system. Members come here to check in. If you're not here, or anywhere else on DKos, and there are adverse conditions in your area (floods, heatwaves, hurricanes, etc.), we and your buddy are going to check up on you. If you are going to be away from your computer for a day or a week, let us know here. We care!
If you'd like to be part of the Itzl Alert Network, please leave a comment asking to join, or send us a message asking to join. We'd love to have you. The bigger our network, the less likely someone will be stranded all alone.
Today I finish cleaning the shed out back, and start shuffling bins into it. I have a couple of Sharpie pens so I can label the bins, and I've been inventorying things and have files on the computer so I can search that before I go out to the shed and begin to haul bins around to get to something. Because sure as I pack it away I'm going to need it - and it will be the one fartherest away from the door.
Since it's a 3 day weekend, I should be able to get most of it done this weekend.
Then I get to paint all the walls a dull but sellable beige.
By Memorial Day, I'll be ready to pull up all the old carpeting and refinish the hardwood floors underneath (except the converted garage - that's a cement floor under there).
And then the house will be ready to put on the market. The most likely months for it to sell will be July/August and November/December because the house's biggest selling draw is its proximity to all the schools and most parents prefer not to move during the semester.