Hello all,
Despite the threat of weather, the meetup went off without a hitch! Attendees included:
Bill in Portland Maine, Common Sense Mainer, nhox42, commonmass and Judy, The Marti, Nautical Knots and Linda, parsonsbeach and Jim, mayim, dvcm, loreleihi and Puka, Cmaraid (Santiaga! Wooo!) and Eddie in ME, The kgirls and bjedward, Debbie in ME, grammyk, DtheO, fennster, Socialist Duckstick, 4freedom and mataliandy, leolabeth, simple and vacationland! (I apologize if I missed anyone! Castigations in the comments, please:) Great food and fun was had by all and the conversation flew, as it will when you have a pile of Kossacks in the same room :) The variety and depth of expertise and experience in the group made for some great give and take. Also, putting faces to names (and in some cases explaining the names) was a blast, too! Thank you all for making the trip- this was a great meetup and I can't wait to do it again!
Here's the link to the Flickr group- feel free to post more photos and enjoy the ones there :)