Sunday was a boootiful day. My human said we were going to go forward on climate, put a leash on me, picked up some friends, and took me to a place with big grass. It was warm and sunny.
These kids with a "Beyond Carbon" club at their elementary school thought I was very cute. Smart kids!
I don't understand the words here. My human says the big sign says "We care for the planet." (I will double check with my friend the chihuahua. My human thinks I'm a German Shepherd. But I say Nein, Nein, Nein to that guy with the horrible pizza.)
I left my mark! The letter says something about stopping Keystone XL and bringing more renewable energy. The letter is addressed to Barack Obama, also known as Bo, a very handsome black and white spaniel. I hope it works! My energy renews every day so my humans are very tired all the time. Maybe if they have renewable energy they could take me for longer walks?
Lots and lots of people here to pet me and tell me that I'm adorable! My human thinks maybe about 1000 to 2000 people showed up? I got to play with Jack, a German Shepherd-Husky mix. He is my new boyfriend. (Don't tell Hunter. Or the boys at the off leash park.)
It was fun to charge at this sign!
Somewhere in this picture, Henry Waxman, who my human says is a very important person, is telling the crowd that he could have been freezing in DC with everyone else. He does not sound sad. I completely agree! See these people wearing shorts and tank tops! If this is solar power, I'm all for it!
I am moving very fast throughout this crowd. What do you expect? I only have three speeds: Snooze, RunasfastasIcan, and Soar! But my human finally gets a picture of me as we leave this awesome park.
I can't wait for more climate rallies!