My contribution will be something like this...
The massacre of children at Sandy Hook shocked the whole country. Dr. Cara Barker is leading a project to send love to the brothers and sisters of children who perished in that tragedy. She's organizing an effort to deliver lap throw sized quilts to them on the first anniversary of the shooting. I am posting this here in the hope that some of the quilters on Daily Kos will want to join in this project of empathy and love. My sister and I are both participating. Dr. Barker writes:
Artistic creations help us heal, and feel remembered. No one benefits more from this than the vulnerable little child. Their losses leave invisible scars. if not attended by compassion, made visible, this critical hurt affects further development. When children grieve, they need messages of reassurance that uplift and heal, reminders that they are not alone. For, when a family loses a child, (ask me how I know), the sibling encounters multiple levels of loss: the death of their brother/sister; a well as the temporary loss of parent, forced to navigate through their own impossible heartbreak.
Read more about this on Dr. Cara Barker's website.
What she is asking for are 40" x 60" quilts, each to be made for a specific child (I will be quilting for the brother of a little girl who died). Your quilt can be any design -- whatever speaks from your heart.
This is the timetable:
March 1, 2013: individual commitments conveyed to dr.carabarker AT gmail DOT com, including the number of children you intend to serve.
August 1, 2013: completed quilt/s sent to Bothell, WA. (address will be given at the time of commitment)
August 15, 2013: Calligraphy of message on each quilt
September 15: Final gift wrapping of the entire group, individually done for each child
By Dec. 14, (the first anniversary), each child will receive their special love quilt as a token from a village they have not met
If you would like to participate in this work of love, please contact Dr. Barker through the email in the blockquote above.