On cue, wingnut heads exploded when First Lady Michelle Obama appeared live from the White House to present the Academy Award for Best Picture.
"FLOTUS INTERRUPTUS," the headline at
Breitbart cheekily announced, "Obamas Hijack the Oscars." Yes, just like
terrorists according to
Breitbart, the Obamas
hijacked the Oscars! Here, Christian Toto called the First Lady's appearance "an unprecedented cultural power grab by the Obamas, almost daring conservative viewers to adore her as much as progressives already do." Come on, conservative viewers - you know you want to!
The headline at Glenn Beck's The Blaze screamed: "Oh My God: Yes — The Oscars Really Did Have Michelle Obama Present the Best Picture Honors." Why, yes they really did! Fox News, meanwhile, said that the First Lady's appearanced "sparked debate" (meaning that it sparked impotent rage among conservatives), quoting some anonymous industry source who called it a "suck job."
Moaned Jennifer Rubin at The Washington Post: "It is not enough that President Obama pops up at every sporting event in the nation. Now the first lady feels entitled, with military personnel as props, to intrude on other forms of entertaining (this time for the benefit of the Hollywood glitterati who so lavishly paid for her husband’s election)." So if Democrats stop hanging out with Hollywood glitterati, does that mean Republicans will stop hanging out with Wall Street bankers and Texas oil billionaires?
Frustrated tweets from right-wingnuts across This Great Land of Ours may be enjoyed at The New Civil Rights Movement. "Are you still watching communist propaganda a.k.a. Oscars?" some lost soul calling himself John Galt tweeted, "Obama & his gang of parasites is about to merge with terrorists." It must hurt to be so full of dumb, twisted rage.
Wingnuts: So offensive, yet so easily offended. Such petulant, whining babies. I think this is called "losing."
(thanks to Roadbed Guy for Scanners pic)