Last week I moved into a domestic violence shelter. Púka is with me, thankfully, and we have the handicap room to ourselves.
So far we residents have kept the dynamics between us going really ywell. Meaning, we all get along, and do our best to help each other. We just wish the staff didn't seem so put off by it. People got lectured for bringing forward a solution to an issue of a room with no heat (share with someone who had a room to themselves). The staff brought charges of manipulation and "being too nice" forward. headdesk But other than that, it goes well.
I had worried about my social anxiety being on constant trigger, but my space is respected, and I'm able to socialize. There was a bad moment when someone recognized me from my parent's church, but she had been a young child, so I only needed a few minutes to regain equilibrium. I'm now reaching her to crochet (a big step up from changing diapers!).
The staff is also going to help me navigate social services. This is good, as the waiting rooms are packed full and wouldn't be able to drive on the amount of clonopin it would take to keep me calm in them. I've also found a therapist who I'm comfortable with, and she's willing to see me twice a week! Victim's Services is paying for that for the first three months, so we're building a solid foundation.
Also, my doctor was an angel and prescribed me three months worth of all my medications, since my insurance probably runs out this month.
Heh, and the shelter gave me no trouble over my medical marijuana, AND my research notes were so good for the last test batch the dispensary gave me they want me to be a permanent tester. So I get those meds for free. Mwhahaha!
I'm still falling, but now it's in slow motion. I haven't been rejected for SSI (I got more paperwork instead). Púka's shots are coming up next month, and that's worrisome, but I'm going to talk to his vet clinic, since he IS a service dog and I have no income. FSM knows what I'll do about child support and the car payment when the bank account runs dry, but that's beyond my power to affect right now. My phone is paid through March, at least.
And I'm hopeful for a house sitting gig coming up. It's not solid yet, but if it comes through, I'll have a place to stay through June at least. :)
Of course, I'm typing all this up on my cracked up phone, which is taking forever. Heh, if anyone has an iPhone4 or above that they're done with and works, it would help with the eye strain and some touch faults. If not, no biggie, it works well enough.
Well, I thought I owed you all an update. I'm fine, not completely surrounded by strangers, thankful for my housewarming quilt which makes me feel more at home, and getting through day by day. And I don't know what I'd do without this community.
Thank you, everyone!