Tomorrow, voters in the 2nd District in Illinois will go to the polls to vote for their new representative. The day before Election Day is a busy day for candidates, but I want to take some time now between campaign events to chat a bit with the Daily Kos community.
It's no secret that you guys are a key part of why we're so close to victory. It's a tight race and we are working like we're 20 points down and not taking anything for granted as we get out the vote. But no one would have imaged even 6 weeks ago that we would be where we are today.
I want to personally thank the Daily Kos community for all that you have done for my campaign (yes, it is me at my laptop not just a staffer!). It's not just the grassroots donations that have helped us get on the air and get our message directly to voters. We've had Daily Kos volunteers walk into our offices and knock on doors. Other netroots groups have joined in as well (Moveon, CREDO SuperPac, DFA). This is, above all, a grassroots campaign built from the bottom up, and it's why I'm here today to say thank you.
You can use the comments section to ask me any questions you may have on policy, my background, what my plans are if elected, etc. I would also like to know a bit more about this community as well, so be on the lookout because I'll ask a few too.
I'm looking forward to our discussion. Thank you again for your support. It means the world to me.