The next time you go shopping at Goodwill, you may be bringing home more than you bargained for. Pat Robertson has a cautionary tale about the importance of spreading your second hand purchases on your front lawn and getting down on your knees to pray over them before you bring them in the house. Better still, just do the praying right there in the Goodwill parking lot before you put them in your car, lest a demon steer you into a tree on the drive home. Pay no attention to that crowd that has gathered around you.
Pat's lady assistant: Pat, this is Carrie who says:
I buy a lot of clothes and other items at Goodwill and other second hand shops. Recently my mom told me that I need to pray over the items, bind familiar spirits, and bless the items before I bring them into the house. Is my mother correct? Can demons attach themselves to material items? - Carrie
Pat Robertson: I heard a story in, I believe the Philippines, a person who went to Thailand and there was a witch who had prayed over a particular ring and asked for a spirit to come into it, and this Philippine girl was so attached to this ring, she had to buy it and all hell broke loose because she finally recognized what it was.
Can demonic spirits attach themselves to inanimate objects, the answer is yes. But I don't think that every sweater you get from Goodwill has demons in it. But in a sense, you mother's just being super cautious
Hey, it ain’t going to hurt anything to rebuke any spirits that happened to have attached themselves to those clothes.
I can see you snickering over there. You don't believe Pat, do you? Well, behold what a demonic sweater possession can do to you.

Now do you believe him?
It's not just sweaters you have to be on the holy watch for either. It's witch rings, braziers, crock pots, fanny packs. Anything a demon can get its hooves on is fair play for evil.
Why just the other day, I was down at the Goodwill and bought some undies for myself. When I put them on, the only thing I could think about was having some gay sex. See for yourself what saving a few dollars on my shorts has cost me.

I've spent all weekend rebuking these demon drawers and I still haven't rid myself of these unwanted man-on-man naughty time desires. Pray for me Kossacks. Rebuke my satanic shorts!