This means war!
You know, if you're a bigot.
As marriage equality continues to spread across the country, the bigots are becoming so desperate, they're even declaring war on each other! Yes, the Republican Party still officially believes in protecting the sanctity of Newt Gingrich's three marriages. That's why the party included its bigotry in the party platform in 2012—for which Tony Perkins, president of the hate group Family Research Council,
personally takes credit.
But that's not good enough for the National Organization for Marriage because it turns out, even some Republicans can read the writing on the wall. And the writing says marriage equality is coming, and the bigots have lost. So NOM has issued this laughable threat:
NOM will do everything in our power to defeat any Republican who votes in favor of same-sex marriage. Legislators need look no further than what happened to GOP Senators in New York. Four of them were responsible for passing gay marriage. We helped take out three of those Senators by repeatedly informing their constituents of their betrayal on marriage. They are now out of office. We will not hesitate to do the same thing in Minnesota.
True, equality is tougher for Republican politicians to sell to their constituents because, well, Republicans still don't want to accept that it's not the 18th century anymore. As Katie McDonough at Salon notes, an AP study found that "in the eight times that state legislatures voted on gay marriage, just 47 Republicans broke with their party to support the measure. Of those 47 Republicans, only 21 are in office today."
But the fact is that the tide has turned. The president of the United States supports marriage equality. The Pentagon is extending benefits to gay couples. And those sad, desperate holdouts are shrinking in number every day.
So NOM can stomp its feet and spend its money trying to throw Republicans out of office, but the war to preserve bigotry? That's a war the bigots are going to lose.
You can help join the fight in Oregon, where Oregon United for Marriage is working to put marriage equality on the 2014 ballot. Donate here to make marriage equality a reality in Oregon.