Here's today's special from the Climate Letter Project — a letter that was certain not to see print...but it sure was fun to write.
The Times-Record-News of Wichita Falls, TX is reporting on drought conditions in Oklahoma - and the fact that the state's recent minor snowfall isn't going to help a whole heck of a lot:
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Recent snowfall of 5 to 6 inches in parts of western Oklahoma and lighter amounts in the remainder of the state did little to alleviate ongoing drought conditions, according to a state climatologist.
Still, any moisture is giving hope to wheat farmers as the crop emerges in advance of a harvest that typically begins in June.
"We do have some improvement, both from the rain and the snow," said David Gammill, who has about 1,300 acres of wheat planted near Grandfield in southwestern Oklahoma, one of the areas hardest hit by drought. "There was from a half inch to .9 rain in the area. It has perked the wheat up considerably in the area."
Cattlemen, however, "are still in dire need of water" for dry ponds, Gammill said.
The latest U.S. Drought Monitor report shows 87 percent of Oklahoma in extreme or exceptional drought, the two most severe categories, with exceptional drought continuing in the western third of the state and across the northern tier of counties, an area making up nearly 40 percent of Oklahoma. Counties along the far eastern border were in severe drought, the drought monitor reported.
James Inhofe! I sent this letter on Feb. 17, knowing full well that it would not get by their filters:
If the parched Oklahoma earth could only watch television, it would have a chance to hear Senator Inhofe's reassurances that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by world-government environmentalists out to confiscate all our SUVs. If herds of cattle seeking water could only read the news, they'd feel reassured that the ongoing drought that has dessicated huge swaths of American farmland is all a fabrication of the liberal media. If wheatfields slowly baking in the heat only knew "the truth" about global warming...
Of course, wheat, corn, and cows already know that Earth is getting hotter. And as the temperature rises, we'll experience droughts, heat waves, and extreme weather of all sorts — all of which are going to impact the agricultural sector in ways we've barely begun to imagine. The question is, can James Inhofe and other conservative climate-change denialists figure out what the Oklahoma ground is telling them — or are they, quite literally, dumber than dirt?
Warren Senders
Some days you write for the middle, some days you write for the extremes.
Okay, that's all. Go write some letters! Go raise some consciousnesses, or, failing that, a little hell.