Given his spectacular failure as a 2012 GOP Presidential candidate, Governor Rick Perry may very well be something of an authority on pipe dreams. With marked certainty, he continues to inhabit the kind of alternate reality that led to such shock and disappointment when, just as most reliable polls predicted, President Barack Obama was reelected. Why anyone cares what Gov. Perry thinks is beyond me, but when asked in a recent interview about Texas going blue, he laughed and dismissed such talk as
"the biggest pipedream I have ever heard."
Because freedom. Seriously.
“It’s because of freedom,” he says. “People in Texas truly aspire to freedom. They don’t want government coming in and telling them how much of this or how much of that.”
Y'all will have to forgive Texas Kossacks if we don't just take his word for it and work instead to GOTV. Last week,
papa monzano posted
Voter Registrar Info for Texas, and many of us are attending the required training to be Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrars.
This weekend, we're having our first statewide meet-up in Austin, where we're going to eat, drink, laugh, and continue to organize to take back our state. Pipes are optional.
Tex Kos Inaugural Gathering - March 2nd, 2013

The Tex Kos Inaugural Gathering, our first statewide meet-up of Texas Kossacks and honorary Texas Kossacks, is this Saturday in Austin, our fabulous state capital! We will meet at
Opal Divine's Austin Grill: Penn Field from
2:00-5:00 pm in the party room that
teknohed has reserved for us.
Other events this weekend include the Texas Democratic Party SDEC Meeting on Saturday morning and Austin's 84th Zilker Park Kite Festival on Sunday (details below).

Saturday, March 2nd!!
Tex Kos Inaugural Gathering in Austin
TIME: 2:00-5:00 PM
LOCATION: Opal Divine's Austin Grill: Penn Field
3601 S. Congress Ave • Austin
RSVP: Post comment here or send kosmail to nomandates
1. nomandates
2. teknohed
3. papa monzano
4. Chrislove
5. Chrislove's BF (official photographer!)
6. glorificus
7. politik
8. mr pea
9. anotherdemocrat
10. Odysseus
11. suesue
12. mr sue sue
13. blue armadillo
14. texasmom
15. texasdad
16. htowngenie
17. navajo (honorary TX Kossack!)
18. afisher
19. manoffire
20. Wino
21. Mrs. Wino
22. VinaMist
23. doraphasia
24. Urban Owl
25. Texdude50
26. icelus
27. entrelac
28. Mr. entrelac
29. cosette
30. Carol in San Antonio
31. belinda ridgewood (honorary TX Kossack!)
32. krwheaton
33. +1 from Harris County
34. KTinTX
35. TexMex
36. Musicman (honorary kossack)
37. freerad
38. freerad's guest
39. just another vet
40. rabel
41. 13Friday
42. rdnels
43. Sandia Blanca
44. Noisy Gong
45. refinish69
46. sccs
47. elginblt
48. DaniTheET
49. Alice Venturi
50. Gary of Austin
51. CyberLady1
52. memphisgirl
53. Wordsinthewind
Mosquito Pilot
yoduuuh do or do not
Cats Rule
If you're planning to come, please post a comment or send me a kosmail (private message) and indicate whether you plan to bring any guests.
SDEC meeting in Austin on March 2nd
Kossacks and SDEC members
krwheaton and
JC Dufresne have been encouraging us to attend the
Texas Democratic Party's next
SDEC meeting, which is also in Austin on March 2nd beginning at 8:00am. Here's the schedule:

State Democratic Executive Committee (SDEC) Meeting
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Location: Texas Democratic Party Headquarters
4818 E. Ben White Blvd., 3rd Floor
Austin, TX 78741
8:00am ☆ Legislative Affairs Committee - we'll want to see this one in action
9:00am ☆ Grassroots Committee - krwheaton is involved in this action committee
Fundraising Committee
☆ Resolutions Committee - committee sends Resolutions to Legislations
10:00am ☆ Rules Committee - For the Tech guy or gal who wants to dig into the Party
Convention Committee
☆ Communications Committee - Committee we all need and want to attend!!!
11:00am ☆ Legislative Update - This is a must attend for all.
1:00pm Lunch Break
2:00pm SDEC General Session (see link for Agenda)
☆ = notes from krwheaton
I am planning to attend the SDEC meeting until 1:00, then head over to Opal Divine's for our meet-up at 2:00. Hope to see you there!
Zilker Park Kite Festival on March 3rd
Sunday, March 3rd
Austin's 84th Zilker Park Kite Festival
TIME: 10:00am - 2:30pm
LOCATION: Zilker Park
2100 Barton Springs Rd. • Austin
ORGANIZER: Send a kosmail to papa monzano to connect at this event.
As far as I'm concerned, the timing of the Zilker Park Kite Festival couldn't be more perfect. Festival events include a Kite Making Workshop, Kite Flying Demonstrations, and Kite Flying Contests, followed by a Mass Kite Ascent. Here's hoping for a gorgeous, sunshiny day!
Regional Groups in Texas
TexKos-Messing with Texas with Nothing but Love for Texans group, which formed in Feb. 2011, has 36 members. It helps us to meet one another, though, if folks see a more local group to join and/or to follow:
Houston Area Kossacks is for Kossacks living in the Houston metro area. It will be used to post and repost Houston-related diaries, organize meet-ups, and just keep in touch in general.

CenTex Kossacks is a kossack group for Travis County and surrounding areas dedicated to keeping Austin weird, blue and orange.
Dallas Kossacks
A group for Kossacks living in the DFW region to get together and support each other!
- Organizer: vacancy
- Founded on Nov. 21st
chancew has posted that he's no longer able to organize for the Dallas group. Please kosmail him if you're interested in taking over. Thanks.
Our state isn't done organizing!
shesaid is forming a group for the
CapRock / Amarillo / Lubbock / Panhandle area (group name still being considered).
And Yo Bubba has contacted navajo and will be starting a West Texas Kossacks group (El Paso and Big Bend)!
ETA: blue armadillo has expressed interest in starting a San Antonio Kossacks group!
Please consider stepping up to organize if there isn't a group in your area.
If you want to join a group, kosmail the organizer. And be sure to follow your group by clicking on the ♥ beside the group name so that you'll get group diaries in your stream. (Unfortunately, being a group member won't make that happen.)
8:18 PM PT: royce is looking for a co-organizer to plan a Dallas Kossacks meet-up. Please post a reply to this comment or send kosmail to royce if interested.
9:16 PM PT: Ignacio Magaloni posted this comment regarding Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrar training:
I wish I could go, but I am insanely busy at work,
and so broke I could not afford the gas even if I could go!
But I will organize deputizations of faculty at my college--and try to do this at all local colleges in San Antonio, as opposed to just my own, just to celebrate your efforts.
It's time for a bluebonnet-blue Texas again!
Tue Feb 26, 2013 at 5:51 PM PT: Battleground Texas update: Today, Burnt Orange Report posted Begin Battleground Texas.
See also Today’s the day: Democrats launch ‘Battleground Texas’ project to end GOP dominance from the Houston Chronicle.
Game on.