Cross Posted at Hillbilly Report
Ashley we love you here in Kentucky, but if you decide to run against Senator Mitch McConnell you need to know that the Kentucky Democratic Party might be your worst enemy. They don't have a clue and like the Republican Party they're in bed with their corporate pals. Hell the Kentucky Democratic Party chairman has contributed $1750 to Republicans including $500 in September of 2005 to McConnell's re-election committee.
The Kentucky Democratic Party leaders and their strategists are scared to death of Senator Mitch McConnell. They're also afraid of anyone, including real Democrats, who might challenge their increasingly right-wing, corporate loving ideology.
The New York Times
Some Democratic strategists said her views were too far left of Kentucky voters, warning that she would drag down other Democrats on the state ballot.
“I say we place in peril our control of the State Legislature,” said Dale Emmons, a strategist who advised the last unsuccessful Democratic challenger to Mr. McConnell, in 2008.
He added, “Her Siamese twin will immediately be Barack Obama,” who lost Kentucky by 23 percentage points in November.
Another Kentucky-based consultant, James Cauley, said he began hearing fears from Kentucky officials last month when Ms. Judd attended the Bluegrass Ball in Washington during the inauguration, where she confirmed she was “taking a close look” at a run.
“People started saying, ‘Oh my God, she is serious,’ ” said Mr. Cauley, who managed Mr. Obama’s 2004 Senate campaign in Illinois. “One state legislator asked me to go to the White House and talk to Barack.”
Ashley the people of Kentucky are craving for a real political candidate that's not beholding to corporate interest and or a political party and that's why I'm suggesting if you decide to run that you take your campaign to the people and if the Kentucky Democratic Party wants to support you fine and if they don't that's fine to. After all they, the Kentucky Democratic Party, will also be under the national and local microscope and believe me there will be plenty of us to call them out if it becomes necessary.
Mitch McConnell will say you don't live in Kentucky, but neither does he. He lives in Washington, DC. 217 C St NE, Washington, District of Columbia 20002, to be exact. Another thing Senator Mitch McConnell is from Tuscumbia, Alabama and you are a true Kentuckian.
Ashley several things I suggest you do if you decide to run:
Demand that Senator Mitch McConnell release his tax returns for the last 14 years.
Demand he, Mitch McConnell, clear up his Vietnam era military record.
Ask Senator Mitch McConnell how he made $21.4 million during the worst recession since the great depression.
Ask for an investigation of Elaine Chao's voter residence requirements.
Ashley Judd the decision to run or not to run is up to you. However if you do decide to run please be advised that we've got your back and remember this: Be yourself and don't cave to the Republican Party and/or the Democratic Party, because we love you just the way you are.