I don't normally get involved in meta diaries and I try to stay away from pie fights ... I am simply not clever enough or involved enough. BUT what is happening? Both Jim and Melanie in IA are now banned????!?!
I don't understand the rules and certainly don't understand what happened. But right now I feel as if something is going on below the surface or behind the scenes and it feels rather unpleasant. Were they secret trolls, embedded spys, or do they have the cooties in some way?
Can someone please clarify what Jim and Melanie did and why they were banned when they always seemed like pleasant and rather innocuous (for want of a better word) people.
Are we even allowed to ask questions?
I wait with bated breath to see if this also gets banned ... it would seem part of this pattern.
To update ... some, if not all of my questions have been answered. Thanks Kos
It was justified(10+ / 0-)
and in fact, it should've been done a while ago.While I try to stay away from off-site bullshit, law enforcement is now involved and that drama is starting to seep back into Daily Kos proper.
And when I mean drama, I mean junior high school levels of drama, simply creepy and tiresome. This was actually an easy call.
by kos on Tue Feb 26, 2013 at 11:06:56 AM CST
And also, too
As a rule(7+ / 0-)
I have to be dragged kicking and screaming into taking action. My standard posture, which frustrates so many, is to stay out of intra-site conflicts. Even when I come in guns blazing, it's only because of days or weeks of conflict finally prod me into action.
by kos on Tue Feb 26, 2013 at 11:22:41 AM CST
More words of wisdom from the Great God Koz
Ultimately(5+ / 0-)
it comes down to the golden rule. Don't be a dick.
Now being a dick doesn't, in itself, get you banned. Otherwise I would have to ban myself and everyone who has ever engaged in a Middle East, gun, or nuclear power comments thread. But there comes a point when if you're just consistently a dick, and only a dick, then yeah, you end up on shakier ground.
Oh, and add links to your sources. We like sources.
by kos on Tue Feb 26, 2013 at 11:34:49 AM CST
I am going to leave this up because the Kos replies help me to better understand not only this situation, but others as well.
But I am physically going on to do more productive things, like baking some chocolate chip cookies and doing laundry.