Remember when Michigan Republicans tried to give bullies a religious or moral excuse to torment our kids in school hallways? Unfortunately, they're at it again.
This morning, Republicans once again brought up Senate Bill 136 in the Senate Health Policy Committee, legislation that would allow health care providers to discriminate and refuse care for patients based solely on -- you guessed it -- their religious or moral beliefs. It's legislation that would allow medical personnel to arbitrarily decide to deny care for patients, even in life threatening situations, as long as they can claim it goes against their own personal beliefs.
SB 136 creates frightening scenarios in which pregnant women's lives are put at risk when a doctor refuses to assist during a miscarriage. It allows pharmacists to refuse to fill birth control prescriptions even in communities where prescription drugs are not available anywhere else. It would even allow emergency personnel to refuse to administer life-saving treatment to someone for reasons as simple as that person being gay, of another race, or a different religion.
Put simply, this legislation tells every single person in Michigan that their health and happiness is less important than appeasing the political desires of the extreme right-wing special interest groups in Lansing.
This legislation is dangerous, it goes against every established principle of medicine, and it must be stopped!
We rose up together and demanded these Republicans back down on their "license to bully" and it's time for us to do the same on this terribly misguided "license to malpractice."
As Republicans continue to try to pass this bill, I'm asking that you take just a few moments to contact your State Senator and demand that they put the health of Michigan families above special interest politics by voting NO on Senate Bill 136.
Together, we can send a powerful message once again that the people of Michigan demand better than this from their elected officials.
Gretchen Whitmer
Michigan Senate Democrats
Wed Mar 20, 2013 at 3:13 PM PT: The Senate Health Policy Committee will be trying to vote on this bill again TOMORROW, March 21, at 8:30am. Please call your State Senator ASAP and tell them to vote NO on SB136.