Wow, just saw this on Youtube. . .
You just can't make this kind of stuff up.
Watch at how the mere mention of racism sets this white guy at CPAC through the roof. The white guy goes off on the self described black conservative who wanted to know why there wasn't more diversity at CPAC. Bizarre. Make of it what you will.
The black guy in the video seems genuinely like he wants to find a way for conservatives to appeal to other African Americans, but he suddenly gets screamed on by a white guy who insists that race doesn't matter. Here is a short transcript.
Black guy: "Recruit us."
White guy: "So?"
Black guy: "What's wrong with the message?"
White guy: "Why didn't you go out and look?"
Black guy: "What's wrong with the message? How many?" (Holding up five fingers on one hand)
White guy: "I don't count?!?!"
Black guy: "It matters."
White guy: "I don't ask people what their . . ?"
Black guy: "It matters because."
White guy: ((unintelligible))
Black guy: "I do. Cause race matters."
White guy: "No it doesn't!!! You're an American! You're not a black person! You're an American! I didn't go in and count all the Jews?"
The white guy CONTINUES TO SCREAM, doesn't get asked to leave. The black guy gets asked to leave.
And then the white guy accuses the black guy of trying to divide the country by acknowledging that he is, in fact, a black guy.
The horror.
Nothing sums up the GOP then a white guy at CPAC screaming at a black guy that race doesn't matter while the black guy is escorted out and the screaming white guy gets to stay.
Slightly more below the fold
At the end of the tape the man who was asked to leave goes on to say . . .
"I'm trying to understand how come there's no black people here. I'm trying to figure out why the outreach of the GOP and especially CPAC is not working with black citizens and I have yet to find an answer, only I get, all I've gotten is abrasive attitudes and people yelling because I guess I ask the tough question, just ask the simple question, where's the inclusion? Where are the black people? I don't know why that is so offensive?"
I disagree with the gentleman who was asked to leave, no 'outreach' is every going to work with this broken farce of a GOP. The GOP can not astroturf minorities on stage and think that will win them minority voters in the ballot box because they are still selling them same product Mitt Romney couldn't sell with all the money in the world behind him, and even if they did, wouldn't GOP efforts to make voting harder for those same minorities negate that? There is a reason the GOP or CPAC or any of the other wingnut outfits can't win over anyone other than screaming white guys who cheered George W Bush on and suddenly got pissed off when President Obama was first inaugurated. The incestuous amplification of white Republicans telling white Republicans that race no longer matters only works on white Republicans, the root of the problem is that the entire GOP as a structure is rooted around demonizing everyone who isn't white or privileged, and that by nature excludes everyone else. I mean, it's hard to put 'Mr. Obama is a Kenyan Trump' on stage and then wonder why you can't win black people.
I guess you don't have to be a poor demented honky to vote Republican, but it helps.
The floor is now yours . . .
12:48 PM PT: Surprise, the white guy screaming in this video is a Brietbart hack, check out the diary posted by bluebarnstormer
Another note, Republicans have convinced themselves that there is no racism for the same reasons they claim there is no such thing as Global warming, or that the problem is that we don't have enough guns on the street, Republicans pretend these problems don't exist and take offense if you claim they do because Conservatives and their wealthy financial backers are the chief beneficiaries of racism and pollution and the flooding of America with high power war rifles. Saying racism doesn't exist then allows you to turn a blind eye to it, because of course it doesn't exist, so what's the problem. That is why Republicans tell themselves that black people would only vote GOP if they really knew what the GOP was about. As if that isn't insulting.
If they admit the problem exists they have to offer a solution, so they don't. Instead they insist that the problem of racism, pollution and other things don't exist at all, unlike socialism.
And there you have it. Republicans can't admit racism exists because they are the sole beneficiaries of it, keeping poor white people voting for rich white people is only possible if the strawman of the Sherriff is black.
And the media will never state that because they are owned by the corporations who stand to gain the most if Republican racism remains the Elephant in the Room, pardon the pun.
Magical thinking doesn't fix these problems. And magical thinking is all the GOP has left, that and fear.