The Tea Party Patriots today hosted a CPAC panel titled “Trump The Race Card: Are You Sick And Tired Of Being Called A Racist When You Know You’re Not One?”. They apparently have a weird definition of 'not racist' as one attendee asked what should a former slave master have to be forgiven for? After all, he gave his former slave, Frederick Douglass, food and shelter.
Unbelievable video after the jump.
At the panel, presenter K. Carl Smith of Frederick Douglass Republicans, tried to emphasize outreach to minorities. However, one attendee, Scott Terry, 30, of North Carolina, objected.
It seems to me like you're reaching out to voters with the program that you're offering us at the expense of young white Southern males like myself - my demographic.
He goes on to say that through reading about the past, he's really come to love his people and his culture. Sarcastically, he says he knows that's anathema, before a woman backs him up 'No it isn't!' He goes on to state that he thinks that his people, his demographic, is being 'systematically disenfranchised' and he laments why the GOP can't be 'Booker T Washington' republicans - 'unified like the hand but separate like the fingers'.
The host, Smith, tries to point to Frederick Douglass' example of writing to his former slave master and offering forgiveness, before Terry interjects, "For what? For feeding him and housing him?” Several audience members cheered, while others displayed open shock.
So let's see, according to CPAC, you are not a racist if
(i) you support segregation
(ii) you think that slave masters provided a service to their slaves by feeding and housing them
(iii) you feel that Southern whites are being systematically disenfranchised.
More at TPM and Think Progress.