A clearly peeved Mitch McConnell doesn't know who released a tape of he and his staff discussing
how best to smear potential opponent Ashley Judd. It's a near-certainty that the tape was released by a disgruntled staffer, but that's no fun so he's going to go with the
invisible leftists theory:
“Well, as you know, last month my wife’s ethnicity was attacked by a left-wing group in Kentucky and then apparently they also bugged my headquarters,” McConnell said during his weekly press conference on Capitol Hill Tuesday afternoon. “So I think that pretty well sums up the way the political left is operating in Kentucky.”
So did he specifically mean ProgressKY, the group that attacked his wife? Nope, guess not:
“He said political left,” Don Stewart, the minority leader’s spokesman, said in an email. “I don’t think he said the words ‘ProgressKY.’”
All right,
who else needs some blame?
[NRSC chair Jerry Moran] also called on "the Democratic National Committee, the DSCC, Kentucky Democratic State Party and left-leaning 501(C)(3) and (4) organizations like Mother Jones, Think Progress, American Bridge, Organizing For Action, and any other relevant political organizations to state for the record that they had nothing to do with these illegal acts, denounce them, and make clear they have no place in our political debate."
Dang, that's quite a list. Might as well throw Pizza Hut and the Universal Studios Tour in that mix too, as long as we're having random groups denounce things. Can you prove it wasn't
you making those recordings, Chick-Fil-A? Moran also compared the leak to Watergate, which is good because at least we're back to Republicans recognizing that Nixon was bad again.
Well, there's a good chance we'll find out who sent in the recording, considering how panicked McConnell's staff must be right now and how motivated they are to find the culprit. I suppose there's a possibility that it's someone on his team peeved that McConnell appears to be using his Senate staff to conduct campaign research, which may or may not get into sketchy territory depending on the details. No matter. I'll just put in a prediction right now that somehow ACORN gets final blame for this. McConnell and the others are working up to it, but they've already managed to accuse pretty much everyone else. And since we haven't heard from ACORN in a while, not since their weather control satellites caused that last New York snowstorm, we know they don't have an alibi.
It's OK, everybody. Mother Jones reporters were dressed as pimps at the time.
— @KagroX via TweetDeck